Kevin Owens’ attack on Kofi Kingston last night was something that a lot of fans saw coming at some point, although many didn’t think it’d be so soon. The former Universal Champion assaulted Kofi, seemingly making it clear that he would be the next challenger to the WWE Championship. As you can imagine, all three members of The New Day had something to say about it.
RELATED: Kevin Owens Betrays Kofi Kingston, Viciously Attacks Him
KO is the parasite in the system that desperately clings on to its host for life. Once its sucked all of the nutrients it can out of its host, it seeks another. I only take pleasure in knowing the virus has been detected & @TrueKofi & @XavierWoodsPhD will stomp out the organism.
— Ettore “Big E” Ewen (@WWEBigE) April 24, 2019
.@FightOwensFight is a trash human. Absolute and complete garbage human.
— Austin Creed (@AustinCreedWins) April 24, 2019
Sometimes you feel compelled believe in someone and give them a chance, even when no one else will. As unpopular a decision as it may seem at the time, you give them the benefit of the doubt…And Then that person proves everyone right. Mark my words, there will be Hell to pay.
— Kofi Kingston (@TrueKofi) April 24, 2019