WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Results For 05/28/19 – Shane McMahon Appreciation Night, Kofi vs KO

Bayley vs Lacey Evans 

Bayley and Lacey trade off on some ground maneuvers, then Lacey goes for a few quick pins for Bayley kicks out and rolls outside. Charlotte, sitting at commentary, goes for a ‘closer look’ but doesn’t make any physical contact. Lacey chokes Bayley on the apron, then rolls her in and gets a near fall before driving her knee into Bayley’s side. She continues by sending Bayley into the corner and chokes Bayley with her boot, but Bayley counters with a bridge pin attempt before Lacey transitions to a side headlock.

Lacey stomps Bayley in the corner before dabbing her sweat away, then throws the hankie at Bayley and keeps stomping her. Bayley fights back, then punches Lacey as she goes for a slingshot over the ropes and connects with a dropkick from the floor under the bottom turnbuckle. Bayley and Charlotte have a face off, then Bayley turns to go back in the ring before spinning and punching Charlotte in the face. Bayley runs back in the ring with Charlotte giving chase, and Lacey tries to steal it with a rollup, but Bayley reverses it and picks up the win.

Winner – Bayley

Bayley runs out of the ring and celebrates, then Charlotte ends up turning on Lacey and boots her right in the face before referees break them up.

We see some footage of Finn Balor talking about Money In The Bank and facing Andrade, then Andrade says Finn didn’t just get powerbombed on a ladder… he’s the one that did it. Andrade says they are going to face off at Super Showdown, so Finn had better find his inner demon before stepping up to him. 


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