WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Results For 05/28/19 – Shane McMahon Appreciation Night, Kofi vs KO

Bray Wyatt’s latest episode of Firefly Fun House re-airs (same as the one seen on RAW), where he talks about “The Fiend” and doing the limbo:

Roman Reigns & R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre & Elias 

Elias and Drew rush out and attack their opponents, but Roman regains control and whips Elias into the barricade. Roman sends him into the ring, then he connects with some mounted punches and chases Shane away. Elias comes back with some body shots, then Drew kicks Roman in the face and continues to stomp him. Drew then targets Truth and sends him into the barricade, and slams him onto the ring apron as we go to a break.

We get back to see Drew working Truth over in the corner before he hits a snap suplex and tag Elias in. Elias and Drew use some quick tags to keep Truth down, but Roman finally gets the hot tag and unloads on them both. Roman drops Elias with a big right hand, then connects with a Superman punch on Drew before sidestepping Elias. He runs outside and hits Elias with the Drive-By, then Shane runs over and goes after Roman, but Roman ends up choking him. Drew goes for a Claymore Kick and misses, going over the commentary table, then Roman runs back in and spears Elias to pick up the win.

Winners – Roman Reigns & R-Truth

Roman points to the referee and spears Elias, then tells Truth to come over and make the cover. One, two, three… Truth is once again the 24/7 Champion. Shane and Drew stare them down from the stage as Roman and Truth celebrate to end the show.