jon moxley
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Best of Super Juniors Finals Results (6/5) Takagi/Ospreay, Moxley Debuts, More

Best Of Super Junior Final: Shingo Takagi vs. Will Ospreay

They lock up. Ospreay gets Takagi on the ropes. They break. They lock up. Test of Strength is won by Shingo, but Ospreay counters and both men trade holds. Takagi hits a shoulder tackle. Ospreay pops up. Ospreay counters a sliding forearm. After a furious series of counters, Shingo retreats to the corner.

They lock up. Ospreay corners Takagi. Takagi counters and smashes Ospreay in the corner. Shingo locks in a Cravate. They trade chops. Ospreay hits a hurricanrana. Ospreay dropkicks Shingo out of the ring. Ospreay feigns a dive.

Takagi gets back in the ring. They trade blows. Takagi sends Ospreay to his knees with a chop. Ospreay dropkicks Takagi out of the ring. Ospreay hits a Pescado. They brawl at ringside. Shingo counters Pip Pip Cheerio by dropping Ospreay’s face onto the apron and hitting a DDT on the floor. Ospreay dodges an apron Death Valley Driver. Shingo hits a somersault plancha.

Shingo rolls Ospreay back in the ring. Shingo hits a slingshot stomp. Takagi hits a knee to the gut and a shoulder tackle. Takagi stands on Ospreay’s neck. They trade blows. Takagi sends Ospreay to the canvas. Takagi hits a back body drop. Takagi hits a corner lariat. Takagi pummels Ospreay in the corner. Ospreay fights back. Takagi hits a Pop Up Death Valley Driver. Takagi covers for two.

They trade blows. Ospreay hits a handspring rebound enzuigiri. Ospreay hits a Tiger Feint Kick. Takagi dodges Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay hits a shotgun dropkick. Ospreay hits a running shooting star press. Ospreay covers for two.

Takagi rolls out of the ring. Ospreay hits a Sasuke Special. Ospreay rolls Takagi into the ring. Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay covers for two.

Takagi floors Opsreay. Takagi flips Ospreay. Takagi hits a sliding lariat. Takagi covers for two. Ospreay counters Noshigami with a rollup for two. Takagi counters Stormbreaker. Ospreay hits an enzuigiri. Ospreay hits a Stunner. Ospreay hits Cheeky Nandos Kick. They trade slaps on the top rope. Shingo knocks Ospreay to the apron. Shingo counters a springboard with an Avalanche Death Valley Driver. They trade lariats. Ospreay counters a Burning Hammer. Takagi counters Osscutter with Noshigami. Ospreay counters Pumping Bomber with a Liger Bomb. Ospreay covers for two.

Takagi counters Robinson Special. Takagi suplexes Ospreay into the corner. Both men struggle on the apron. Ospreay hits an Osscutter on the apron. Ospreay gets back in the ring. Takagi gets back in the ring. Takagi hits a huge dropkick to the head. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay climbs to the top rope. Ospreay hits a 630 Senton. Ospreay climbs to the top rope. Ospreay hits a Shooting Star Press. Ospreay covers for two. Ospreay hits Robinson Special. Ospreay hits Osscutter. Ospreay covers for two.

Takagi counters Stormbreaker. Ospreay kicks Takagi repeatedly. Takagi hits a headbutt. They trade elbows. Takagi unleashes on Ospreay. Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Takagi counters Stormbreaker. Takagi hits Last Of The Dragon. Takagi covers for two.

Takagi hits Pumping Bomber. Takagi covers for two. Ospreay counters Last of The Dragon with a Poison Rana. Takagi hits a series of lariats. Ospreay counters Pumping Bomber with a Standing Spanish Fly. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay hits a ripcord Marafuji kick. Ospreay hits Hidden Blade. Ospreay hits a Double Jump Osscutter. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for the pinfall in 33:36.