WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (6/17/19)


June 17, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Raw Results

In Ring Segment: Elias

Elias talks about how terrible the people in the Los Angeles area are. Elias announces that he is going to be the special referee for the Seth Rollins/Baron Corbin Universal Championship match at Stomping Grounds. Rollins appears behind Elias and hits him with a steel chair over and over again. Rollins grabs a mic and says after everything he has been through with Brock Lesnar he isn’t playing any games.

Elias is left in the ring.

United States Championship Number One Contenders Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Ricochet vs. Cesaro vs. The Miz vs. Braun Strowman

As each competitor gets in the ring they hit Elias with their finisher.

Strowman clears the ring. Strowman powerslams Lashley on top of Cesaro for the pin. Cesaro has been eliminated. Lashley suplexes Strowman. Lashley is distracted by Ricochet. Strowman powerslams Lashley for the pin. Lashley has been eliminated. Strowman runs over Ricochet and Miz outside the ring. Strowman splashes Miz in the corner. Strowman picks up Miz for the powerslam. Lashley runs into the ring and spears Strowman. Cesaro hits the Gotch Neutralizer on Strowman. Ricochet goes up top and 630s Strowman. Ricochet pins Strowman with Cesaro and Lashley as well. Strowman has been eliminated. Strowman gets up and launches Ricochet over the top rope onto Cesaro. Strowman beats Cesaro and Lashley up the ramp.

After the break, Ricochet takes Miz out with a senton over the top rope. Ricochet tries a springboard but Miz catches Ricochet in midair. Miz tries the Skull Crushing Finale but Ricochet turns it into a pin. Miz kicks out. Miz stands Ricochet straight up with a nasty DDT. Miz lands the ‘it’ kicks. Ricochet hits a step up kick. Miz kicks Ricochet in the knee. Miz puts Ricochet in the figure four. Ricochet reverses the hold. Miz manages to reverse Ricochet’s reversal. Ricochet gets to the bottom rope to break the hold. Miz springboard off the top but Ricochet counters it into a codebreaker. Ricochet hits the 630 for the win!

Winner- Ricochet

After the match, Samoa Joe attacks Ricochet. Joe charges at Ricochet but Ricochet low bridges the top rope. Joe falls to the outside. Ricochet crushes Joe with a cartwheel moonsault over the top rope.

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