WWE Stomping Grounds Results

WWE Stomping Grounds Results (6/23/19)

The New Day vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Zayn and Owens take out Big E. Woods will not stay down after their onslaught. Zayn lands a blue thunder bomb and Owens crushes Woods with a frog splash. Big E. slowly makes his way back to the apron. Zayn and Owens continue their assault on Woods. Woods finally managed to tag in Big E. Big E. clears the ring. Big E.  hits the corner uranage for a near fall. Woods electric chair drops Big E. onto Woods. Owens breaks up the pin. New Day sets up their finish. Zayn escapes and kicks Woods in the face. Zayn Helluva Kicks Woods then sends him into a pop-up powerbomb by Owens. Woods kicks out. Everyone is down after a strike exchange. Big E. spears Zayn through the ropes. Owens hits the Stunner on Woods for the win!

Winners- Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

United States Championship Match: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Ricochet

Joe calls for a knuckle lock. Joe punches Ricochet in the jaw as he reaches for Joe’s hand. Ricochet fires back with a few strikes, followed by a ranna. A dropkick by Ricochet sends Joe out of the ring. Ricochet sets up a dive but Joe moves out of the way. Joe drives Ricochet back-first into the ring apron. Joe obliterates Ricochet with a uranage out of the corner. Ricochet tries to fire up but Joe cuts him off with a nasty back elbow. Running back elbow by Joe followed by a falling enziguri by Joe. Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet escapes a rear chin lock with a jawbreaker. Ricochet and Joe trade punches. Powerbomb into a pin by Joe. Ricochet won’t stay down, kicking out at 2.5. Ricochet backflip kicks Joe.

Ricochet lands a spinning head kick that sends Joe falling to the mat. Ranna by Ricochet. Springboard clothesline by Ricochet. Joe falls to the outside. Cartwheel senton over the top to the outside by Ricochet. Ricochet gets another near fall after a springboard moonsault. Ricochet runs right into a powerslam by Joe. Ricochet tries a handspring but Joe catches Ricochet in midair. Joe destroys Ricochet with a German suplex. Ricochet ends up back on his feet. Joe hits a stiff lariat for a near fall. Joe catches Ricochet’s foot and launches him in the air. Ricochet hits the mat hard. Joe puts Ricochet in the Clutch. Ricochet escapes by stunning Joe on the top rope. Ricochet hits a codebreaker. Ricochet finally lands the 630 for the win!

Winner and NEW United States Champion, Ricochet!


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