Impact Slammiversary XXVI Results

IMPACT Slammiversary XXVI Results (7/7/19)

RVD vs. Moose

Moose attacks RVD before the bell ring. RVD hit spinning heel kick and a splash. RVD call for rolling thunder but Moose rolls out of the ring. RVD hits a senton over the top. RVD plays to the crowd. Moose boots RVD in the face. Moose tries apron powerbomb but RVD reverses it into a ranna. RVD blasts Moose with a running senton off the apron. Moose chases RVD down and boots him in the face. Delay basement dropkick in the corner by Moose. Suplex by Moose. Moose charges at RVD. RVD back body drops Moose over the top rope onto the ramp. RVD lands a few clotheslines. RVD tries to showboat but Moose pokes RVD in the eye. RVD kicks Moose in the head. RVD gets a near fall after the split-legged moonsault.

RVD hops up to the top rope. Moose surprises RVD with a dropkick. Moose crushes RVD with the Go To Hell. RVD kicks out. RVD and Moose trade punches. Moose DDTs RVD. Moose nips up to his feet. Moose goes up top. Moose tries a frog splash but RVD moves out of the way. RVD DDTs Moose. Moose kicks out. Moose uses the referee as a shield. Moose low blows RVD. Moose grabs a chair. RVD hits the Van Daminator. Moose gets his foot on the bottom rope to stop the pinfall. RVD drop toe holds Moose onto a chair. RVD tries the Five Star Frog Splash but Moose moves out of the way. RVD lands on a chair. Moose hits the No Jackhammer Needed Spear for the win.

Winner- Moose

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