Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Ricohet Beats Luke Gallows And Karl Anderson, Gets Attacked By The Club

United States Champion Ricochet will defend the title against AJ Styles at Extreme Rules. Before that match, he faced Styles’ ally Luke Gallows on RAW this week. Prior to his match with Gallows, Ricochet discussed Styles’ actions on RAW last week. The United States Champion said he’s ready to fight Styles, Gallows and Anderson. Styles grabbed a microphone and told Ricochet to slow down and appreciate the moment because Gallows is going to beat him tonight.

Early on in the match, Gallows planted Ricochet with a chokeslam for a near fall. Gallows dominated the match but Ricochet caught Gallows by surprise with a roll-up for the win. Styles challenged Ricochet to fight Karl Anderson as the next opponent in an impromptu gauntlet match. Ricochet was more competitive against Anderson, who still controlled the pace of the matchup. The United States Champion persevered and fought off Styles’ interference before he pinned Anderson with a 630 Splash. Styles attacked Ricochet after the bell and the Club brutalized the United States Champion. Styles said he’s going to leave some of Ricochet left so he won’t have any excuses on Sunday. The champion got back to his feet and Styles dropped him with a Phenomenal Forearm.

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