Fight For The Fallen

AEW Fight For The Fallen Results: The Brotherhood vs. Young Bucks, Omega vs. CIMA, Jericho & Hangman Brawl

Chris Jericho comes to the ring with a microphone (after Omega and Cima leave.) Jericho points to Adam Page’s blood on his hands and says he wants a thank you but it wouldn’t mean a thing from the fans in Jacksonville. Jericho says he’ll get a thank you by beating everyone in AEW. He says he’s the reason all the fans are there and credits himself for AEW’s success. He calls the Hangman one of the best wrestlers he’s seen in years. Jericho says he’ll beat Page but he’s worried about the match; if he loses, it’ll be the beginning of the end for AEW and his career. “I have to beat the Hangman,” Jericho repeatedly said.

Jericho said that’s why he attacked Page tonight. He vowed to become the AEW Champion at All Out. Page attacks Jericho and officials break up the fight. Page hits some referees and the brawl continues. Members of the locker room try to separate the two men and eventually succeed.

A video package hypes up the main event tag team match.

Cody & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Young Bucks

Cody and Nick Jason start the match. Nick slaps Cody but misses a moonsault to he outside. Both teams square off before the illegal participants return to their corners. Cody hits Matt with an uppercut and the Brotherhood clotheslines him out of the ring. Matt takes out both his opponents with a diving crossbody. Nick drops Dustin with an assisted dropkick and both Jacksons dive onto a member of the Brotherhood. The Young Bucks gang up on Dustin and Nick hits a springboard facebuster before diving onto Cody.

The Jacksons drop Dustin with a double suplex. Nick spits at Cody and the Young Bucks continue to gang up on Dustin. Nick stops Cody from tagging in and Matt takes Dustin down with a clothesline. Dustin takes the Bucks down with a diving crossbody. Cody tags in and clears house. He nails a diving moonsault onto Matt and dives onto him outside the ring. Cody whips Matt with his belt and hits a reverse superplex for a near fall. Dustin tags in, the Brotherhood gangs up on Matt and Cody spits at Nick. Matt gets sent shoulder-first into the ring post for the second time.

Matt reverses a bulldog and dumps Cody over the ropes and onto the ramp. A spear drops Cody and Matt gains some breathing room. Nick tags in and floors Cody with a kick to the head. He hits a rolling backstabber and the Bucks lock the Brotherhood into Sharpshooters. The Rhodes lock the Bucks into Figure-4 leglocks. Dustin rocks both Bucks with powerslams and both Rhodes dive onto the Bucks. A superkick turns Dustin’s lights out but Cody hits Disaster Kicks on both Bucks. An assisted Cross Rhodes nearly gets Cody the win but Matt breaks up the pin. All four men exchange strikes and Cody knocks down the ref. The Rhodes slam both Bucks and kick them below the belt. The Bucks superkick Cody in mid-air. Dustin almost fights off the Bucks but he eats a superkick.

Cody gives Nick a superkick but he gets one from Matt. The Bucks superkick Cody in the back of the head but Dustin breaks up the pin. The Rhodes superkick the Bucks but the Bucks return the favor. Matt nearly pins Cody with a Cross Rhodes. The Bucks pin Cody with a Meltzer Driver.

Winners: the Young Bucks

After the match, Matt says everything they’ve done in recent weeks is in the spirit of competition. He says he didn’t see the Brotherhood’s history of teaming up but he called them one of the best tag teams they’ve ever faced. Members of the locker room come out and Shahid Khan presents the check to the Victim Assistance Advisory Council. “You can’t counter-program what All Elite Wrestling is doing,” said Cody. “You can’t counter-program the love, the genuine feeling, the revolution that is All Elite Wrestling.” Kenny Omega signs off and thanks the fans.

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