Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW G1 Climax 29 Night 3 Results (7/14) A Block Continues

FIFTH MATCH: Lance Archer (2 pts) vs. Bad Luck Fale (2 pts)

[simply a recap, as opposed to blow-by-blow due to computer issue.]

The match starts as a wild brawl through the crowd. Fale throws Archer into a row of chairs. They eventually get back in the ring, where Fale maintains dominance.

Archer fights back and hits a huge springboard crossbody. Any time Archer would get too much momentum, Jado would interrupt with a kendo stick blow. Fale hits a Superplex for a nearfall. Fale continues to dominate, getting a series of nearfalls.

Archer fights back and even takes Jado out of the equation. Archer hits a huge Pounce. Archer hits a Chokeslam for two. Archer locks in the Iron Claw for the pinfall in 10:12.

WINNER: Lance Archer (4 pts)

SIXTH MATCH: SANADA (2 pts) vs. Will Ospreay (0 pts)

They lock up. They trade holds.

[stream died briefly]

Ospreay escapes Paradise Lock. Ospreay sends SANADA to the floor and feigns a dive. SANADA circles the ring. SANADA gets back in the ring. Ospreay hits a series of lariats. SANADA hits a dropkick to the knee. SANADA locks Ospreay in the Paradise Lock on the bottom rope. SANADA hits a dropkick. Ospreay rolls to the floor. SANADA gives chase and throws Ospreay back in the ring.

SANADA locks in a side headlock. Ospreay fights back and takes out SANADA with a huge blow. Ospreay hits an enzuigiri and a Tiger Feint Kick. SANADA dodges Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay hits a double stomp. Ospreay hits a standing Shooting Star Press. Ospreay covers for two.

SANADA rolls out of the ring. Ospreay hits Sasuke Special. Ospreay rolls SANADA back in the ring. Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay covers for two.

SANADA dodges a Dragon Suplex.SANADA hits a dropkick. Ospreay rolls out of the ring. SANADA hits a Pescado. SANADA uses a fan’s towel to wipe his sweat. SANADA rolls Ospreay back in the ring.

SANADA gets a nearfall. They trade blows. SANADA counters a Victory Roll. Ospreay counters a TKO. SANADA counters a handspring with a TKO.

They trade blows. They fight to their feet. They trade spinning kicks. Ospreay hits an Enzuigiri. Ospreay hits a Powerbomb. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay climbs to the top rope. Ospreay hits a Shooting Star Press. Ospreay covers for two.

SANADA counters Stormbreaker. SANADA counters Stormbreaker again with Skull End. SANADA swings Ospreay around and breaks the hold. SANADA climbs to the top rope. Ospreay dodges a Moonsault. Ospreay hits a Spanish Fly. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay hits Robinson Special. SANADA counters Osscutter with Skull End. SANADA dodges Osscutter. Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Ospreay hits Osscutter. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for the pinfall in 17:06.

WINNER: Will Ospreay (2 pts)


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