Impact Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (8/16/19)

Sami Callihan and Dave Crist vs. Tessa Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer

Blanchard and Dreamer clear the ring. Dreamer hits a diving clothesline off the apron. Blanchard goes up top and dives to the outside with somersault senton, taking out Callihan and Crist. After the break, Callihan tries to beg off to Blanchard. Callihan tries to shake Blanchard’s hand. Blanchard decks Callihan. Dreamer and Blanchard double team Callihan and Crist. Callihan sends Dreamer to the outside. Back Body drop by Callihan. oVe works over Dreamer. Dream manages to tag in Blanchard, who clears the ring. Blanchard hits a hangman’s Magnum.

Callihan breaks up the pin. Dreamer and Blanchard both hit DDTs but there is no referee. a new referee runs down to the ring to make the count. Blanchard and Dreamer both set up piledrivers. Callihan low blows Dreams. Crist tries to low blow Blanchard but, she has no balls. Callihan hits Blanchard with a kendo stick. Blanchard claims the kendo stick and hits Callihan with it. Blanchard hits Magnum with the kendo stick for the win.

Winners-  Tessa Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer

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