WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (9/10/19)

Sept 10, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

In-Ring Segment: The Undertaker

Undertaker says he has called Madison Square Garden home for 30 years. He doesn’t know how many times he will get to come home. Undertaker took a little piece of each of his victim’s souls. Sami Zayn interrupts. Zayn says he has nothing but the utmost respect for the Undertaker. Zayn says however, it shouldn’t be Undertaker opening Smackdown tonight. It should have been Zayn. Zayn says 30 years is a long time but when is enough, enough? Zayn says the future is now and the future is Sami Zayn. Zayn is here to respectfully ask Undertaker to leave the ring. WWE is in good hands with Zayn. Zayn gives Undertaker his word. Undertaker gives Zayn his microphone and starts to leave the ring. Undertaker turns around and grabs Zayn by the throat. Undertaker chokeslams Zayn.

Backstage, Chad Gable walks into Shane McMahon’s office. Gable says he should get a bye in the tournament. Shane says Gable will have a match tonight but he isn’t sure who.

The Miz vs. Andrade w/Zelina Vega

Shinsuke Nakamura is out for commentary. Andrade goes tranquillo on Miz. Miz flapjacks Andrade, then goes tranquillo himself. While the referee is distracted, Vega tries to claw out Miz’s eyes. Andrade dropkicks Miz into the corner. After the break, Miz lands his patented backbreaker/neckbreaker combo. Miz It kicks Andrade. Miz misses the last kick but lands a big boot instead. Miz hits two running knees in the corner. Andrade tries to respond with a knee of his own but Miz moves out of the way. Andrade falls to the outside. Miz slams Andrade’s head into the commentary desk. Miz and Nakamura lock eyes. Miz launches Andrade into Nakamura. Miz sends Andrade back into the ring. Andrade catches Miz with a spinning elbow strike. Andrade tries his double flip moonsault but Miz reverses it into the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winner- The Miz

After the match, Nakamura hits the Kinshasa.

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