Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Collector’s Corner: WWE NXT TakeOver Elite Andrade Cien Almas In-Depth Review (Photos)

Welcome to another installment of Collector’s Corner! This week we take a look at the Ringside Collectibles exclusive WWE NXT TakeOver Elite Andrade Cien Almas action figure!

This figure was originally part of the Target Exclusive NXT TakeOver series with Hideo, Titus and Roderick Strong but it was later cancelled. Ringside surprised collectors not long ago when they released a pre-order option for Almas for the set, being this was his very first Elite and pretty sought after at that.

You can currently pre-order him over on and SAVE 10% with discount code MBG at checkout! Let’s take a look at him up close!

The Packaging

The packaging on Andrade is one of my favorite Mattel style packaging they’ve done for the WWE line. The box is shaped like an NXT and features the vibrant yellow, white and black color scheme to mimic the NXT logo. There’s images of Andrade on both sides followed by his name. It also lists when he debuted on the front. Not to mention the back has some stats and other info about him, but they removed the others whom were originally in the set probably to refrain from confusing people.

The Head Scan

Once you remove Andrade from the packaging you can see it’s a very simple figure, but this attire is very simple, too. His head scan is nice and differs from his Basic once that came out awhile back. This one has the sides shave with his hair up in a bun. It’s covered by his bucket hat he comes with that sits on his head pretty well for the most part, but the bun restricts it sitting snug.

The Attire

Andrade features an all-white attire with white wristbands, tights, boots and knee pads. The only real design work is on his knee pads, but other than that he doesn’t have any. His boots are incorrect though as his laces should be on the inner sides of his boots than on the front, but it’s not that big of a deal. You can always swap them with another figure’s boots without laces if you desire.

Another disappointing thing about Andrade is his lack of shirt or vest, which is a key part of his look. Even suspenders would be nice for him.

The Accessories

Andrade comes with his bucket hat as mentioned above as well as the NXT title from when he won it and the belt is really nice if you don’t have one already. It’s very detailed, shines a lot and just looks really nice. You can size it accordingly as well to any figure you plan to give the strap to. Also mentioned before if he came with a shirt or vest or something that would complete the figure even more.


Overall it’s a nice figure. I recommend it if you’ve been anxiously awaiting an Elite figure of him to release as it’s been a long time surprisingly. Hopefully he does have more in the pipeline as he has some cool attires. He has unique hands as well, these were used on the Sin Cara figures, and they basically used that exact body for him. The fingers are curved inward, allowing you to hold accessories, etc. but it still looks odd as it’s not like any of the other figures minus Sin Cara. Regardless, it’s a nice first Elite figure of him and you should get it on Ringside while you can!

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