WWE Clash of Champions Results

WWE Clash of Champions Live Results (9/15/19)

Sept 15, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Kickoff Show:

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Drew Gulak (c) vs. Line Dorado vs. Humberto Carrillo

Dorado and Carrillo attack Gulak. Dorado hits a springboard splash that takes out Carrillo and Gulak. Dorado rannas Gulak off the barricade. Carrillo goes up top but Gulak slams Carrillo off the top. Dorado surprises Carrillo with a splash. Dorado tries a riding ranna but Gulak counters it into a nasty gut buster. Gulak whips Dorado into the ropes but Dorado handsprings into a reverse koppo kick. Standing moonsault by Carrillo. Carrillo lands a rolling Japanese arm drag. Dorado ends up on Gulak’s shoulders outside the ring.

Carrillo takes them both out with a twisting splash through the ropes. Carrillo tries a moonsault off the top but Gulak gets his foot up. Carrillo grabs Gulak’s foot and puts him in a submission. Dorado breaks it up with a submission of his own. Everyone tries schoolboys but no one can get the three count. A strike sequence ends with Gulak flooring Carrillo with a lariat. Super ranna by Dorado on Carrillo. Dorado misses a moonsault. Aztec Press by Carrillo. Gulak tosses Carrillo into the ring post before he can get the pin. Gulak rolls up Dorado for the pinfall victory.

Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion, Drew Gulak!

United States Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Cedric Alexander

Alexander hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall as soon as the bell rings. Styles kicks out. Tope by Alexander followed by a handspring head kick. Styles kicks out again. Alexander tries a springboard but Styles pushes Alexander off the top rope. Styles give Alexander a brainbuster on the apron. Styles hits the Styles Clash out on the floor. Styles sends Alexander back into the ring. Styles picks up Alexander off the mat before the referee counts to three. Styles wants to punish Alexander. Styles rolls Alexander into the Calf Crusher. Alexander gets to the ropes. Styles works over Alexander’s leg. Alexander stuns Styles with a spinning back elbow. Slingshot facebuster by Alexander. Styles kicks out. Reverse DDT by Styles. Styles hits the Phenomenal Forearm followed by the Styles Clash for the win.

Winner and STILL United States Champion, AJ Styles!

After the match, The OC hits the ring and joins in on the beatdown of Cedric Alexander.

WWE Clash of Champions Live Results Continues On The Next Page!


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