WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (4/22/22)

WWE SmackDown Results

April 22, 2022

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (4/15/22)

Contract Signing

Adam Pearce introduces Flair. Flair joins him in the ring as a video package showing Flair tap out Drew Gulak is aired. Ronda Rousey is introduced next. The contract is missing. Gulak jogs down to the ring with it. Pearce notes that Gulak is interning for a job with him. Gulak says he has a PowerPoint that he’d like to show that details the rules for an I Quit Match. Flair tells Gulak to shut up before she makes him quit his new job like he quit last week. Flair lists all the ways she can make Rousey quit.

She always finds a way to win. Flair signs the contract and gloats about beating Rousey at WrestleMania. Rousey says there isn’t going to be a referee to stop Flair from getting embarrassed. The crowd continues with their “you tapped out chant”. Flair flips over the table and there is a kendo stick. Flair hits Rousey with it. Rousey rips it away and beats Flair with it. Gulak takes the kendo stick away from Rousey and tells her she has to sign the contract. Rousey drops Gulak with Piper’s Pit. While Gulak reels, Rousey traps him in an armbar while she signs the contract.

Xavier Woods w/Kofi Kingston vs. Butch w/Sheamus and Ridge Holland

Woods turns Butch insides out with a clothesline. Butch floors Woods with an elbow. Butchlands a few strikes, before stomping on Woods’elbow. Butch works over Woods. Woods tosses Butch out of the ring. Rope hang dropkick by Woods. Butch is sent flying over the announce desk. Sheamus and Holland bow up at Woods.

Butch leaps off of the ringsteps and blasts Woods with an elbow strike. Sheamus and Holland hold Butch back as he tries to go after Kingston. After the break, Woods fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Butch surprises  Woods with the x-plex. Woods kicks out. Woods surprises Butch with Backwoods for the win.

Winner- Xavier Woods

After the match, Butch attacks a security guard after hopping the barricade.

Gunther w/Ludwig Kaiser vs. Teddy Goodz

Gunther tosses Goodz all over the ring before landing a chop that almost splits him in half. Gunther locks in a sleeper before transitioning into a Powerbomb hold for the win.

Winner- Gunther

Riddle w/Randy Orton vs. Jey Uso w/Jimmy Uso

Riddle immediately traps Jey in a sleeper. Jey gets to the ropes. Riddle goes back to the sleeper. Jey escapes and unloads on Riddle with rights and lefts. Gut wrench suplex by Riddle. Jey lights Riddle up with a few nasty chops. Riddle fires back. Jey rolls out of the ring. Riddle tries a dive but Jey cuts him off with an elbow strike. Jey sends Riddle into the ringsteps before hitting an Orton-style suplex on the announce desk. After the break, Jey continues his assault. Riddle fires up and lands an overhead kick.

Riddle misses a broton. Jey goes on attack. Riddle flips out of a suplex and hits the final flash. Jey kicks out of the Floating Bro. Jey escapes the Bro to Sleep and gets a near fall after a roll up. Riddle manages to hit a hangman’s DDT. Jimmy gets on the apron. Orton grabs him from behind and suplexes him on the announce table. Jey reverses Riddle RKO with a popup neck breaker. Riddle kicks out. Roman Reigns is watching from his locker room. Jey tries the Uso splash but as he lands Riddle rolls him into a pin for the win.

Winner- Riddle

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