WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (9/23/19)

Backstage, Styles and the Club complain about how the show started. Styles says nothing is going to get in the way of him getting his hands on the Universal Championship.

Brock Lesnar will be on RAW next week.

Backstage, The Street Profits run recaps what has happened so far on the show. The Miz walks in and announces his second child was born this past Friday. Miz also tells us next week he will have Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair on Miz TV.

Lacey Evans vs. Ember Moon

Evans throws he hanky at Moon. Moon kicks Evans in the jaw. Springboard crossbody by Moon. Evans kicks out. Evans wrecking ball dropkicks Moon off the apron. Moon hits the floor hard. Bronco buster by Evans. Moon surprises Evans with a Samoan drop. Evans tries the Women’s Right but Moon avoids it and lands a series of strikes. Evans sweeps Moon’s legs. Moon hits a stunner off the apron. Evans kicks out. Moon goes up top. Evans blasts Moon with the Woman’s Right. Evans puts Moon in the worlds worst Sharpshooter. Moon taps out.

Winner- Lacey Evans

Firefly Funhouse:

Wyatt hangs up a picture of Kane. Huskus and Rambling Rabbit were fighting over a Seth Rollins action figure. Wyatt gives them both a lesson in sharing. If you love something too much it makes you weak. Rambling Rabbit says they don’t want The Fiend to hurt Rollins. Wyatt breaks the action figure in half so they can share it. Wyatt goes stone face and tells us he will see us all in hell.

R-Truth and Carmella run down to the ring. The rest of the mid-card soon follows. Carmella grabs a mic and asks them to stop chasing them. Carmella says she can’t do this anymore. R-Truth hugs her. Carmella rolls R-Truth up and wins the 24/7  Championship.

The women’s locker room clears. The women chase Carmella and R-Truth.

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