WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (10/7/19)

Miz TV

Miz welcomes his guest, Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair. Miz runs down all of Lynch’s accomplishments. Lynch says last night Banks gave her all she could handle. If Banks was here tonight she would have to admit that Lynch kicks her ass last night. Miz congratulates Flair on her title win last night. Lynch and Flair start to argue. Asuka and Sane interrupt and cut a promo in Japanese. A brawl breaks out. A referee hits the ring and separates everyone.

Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair vs. The Kabuki Warriors

Asuka backs Lynch into the corner. Asuka slaps Lynch in the face. Lynch slaps Asuka. Lynch and Asuka trade strikes. After a distraction from Sane, Asuka knocks Lynch off the apron with a hip attack. Sane and Asuka double team Lynch. Lynch tags in Flair. Flair lights Asuka up with chop after chop. Flair crushes Asuka with a back suplex. Flair hits Natural Selection but Asuka rolls out of the ring. Flair hits a moonsault to the outside that takes out Sane and Asuka. Flair tries another dive. Asuka catches Flair with a stiff kick to the gut in midair.

After the break, Lynch gets the hot tag. Lynch takes out both Kabuki Warriors. Lynch dropkicks Asuka. Sane surprises Lynch with a spinning back fist. Sane goes up top. Lynch cuts Sane off. Lynch launches Sane off the top. Lynch hits the Irish Jam on Sane. Sane chop blocks Flair. Lynch puts Sane in the DisArmHer. The referee is too busy checking on Flair to see the tap out. Asuka spits the mist in Lynch’s eyes. Sane rolls up Lynch for the win.

Winners- The Kabuki Warriors

After the match, Sane and Asuka beat down Flair. Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss make the save.

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