WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (10/21/19)

Backstage, R-Truth pins the wrong member of the Bollywood Boys.

The Street Profits vs. The OC

Styles grabs a mic and asks the Street Profits where their backup is. Styles says he must be imaginary.

After the break, Anderson drives Ford into the corner. Ford dumps Anderson out of the ring. Dawkins sends Anderson back into the ring. Dropkick by Ford. Anderson regroups outside the ring with the rest of The OC. Dawkins slams Anderson, then suplexes Ford onto Anderson. Gallows tags in and eats a shoulder block from Dawkins. Dawkins lands a flurry of punches in the corner. The referee pulls Dawkins away. Gallows attacks Dawkins from behind. Gallows and Anderson work over Dawkins. Dawkins tags in Ford, who lands a clothesline on Gallows. After a distraction from Styles, The OC takes control. Anderson catches Ford with a flying knee off the apron.

After the break, Gallows and Anderson are taking turns working over Ford. Ford manages to tag in Dawkins, who clears the ring. Dawkins lands corkscrew clotheslines on both Gallows and Anderson. Gallows pulls Dawkins out of the ring. Styles pushes Ford off the top rope. Anderson hits a spinebuster for a near fall. Styles tries to attack Ford but the referee sees him. The referee tells Styles to leave. Styles goes nuts. Kevin Owens’ music hits. Owens powerwalks to the ring. Owens drops Styles with a Stunner. Ford dives to the outside and takes out Gallows. Dawkins and Ford hit their finish on Anderson for the win.

Winners- The Street Profits

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