Update On AAA’s La Parka After Scary Tope Dive Incident

As reported yesterday morning, the luchadore La Parka suffered a very scary fall during a AAA in show in Monterrey, Mexico while attempting a top dive through the middle ropes, but there is an update regarding the longtime figure of the promotion.

Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez of the Wrestling Observer both stated on the latest Observer Radio that La Parka was taken to the hospital after diving headfirst into the guardrail. This happened due to his feet getting caught on the ropes as he executed the high risk maneuver. While at the hospital, he couldn’t feel his legs or his arms, but eventually gained feeling back in both. He fractured his fourth vertebrae and went into surgery yesterday morning which he got through fine. Now it’s just a wait and see situation. It should be noted once more that this is the AAA La Parka, not LA Park (and the former WCW La Parka) of MLW.

Again we at WrestleZone wish all the best to La Parka and hope he has a safe and speedy recovery.

RELATED: AAA’s La Parka & Shil-Kah Taken To Hospital After Doing Topes