WWE Survivor Series Results

Best Survivor Series Team Reveals, Survivor Series Debuts (VIDEOS)

Best Survivor Series Team Reveals

In the spirit of Survivor Series being just one week away, WWE has posted a video on YouTube highlighting the best team reveals in history. The video is apart of the ‘Top 10″ series that WWE regularly publishes.

Take a look at the video below and let us know below what your favorite Survivor Series tag match is of all time.

Every November, Survivor Series brings forth some surprising team pairings, and from The Undertaker to Natalya, these team member reveals stuck with us years later.

READ MORE: Corey Graves: Survivor Series ‘Needs Some Stakes’ So Brand Supremacy Matters

Top Survivor Series Superstar Debuts

WWE has posted a video on YouTube highlighting the best superstar debuts at Survivor Series PPV. The Undertaker is the obvious name that comes to mind when people think about this topic, but there are many other names on the list. Take a look below at the full playlist and let us know what your favorite is in the comments below.

From The Undertaker to Kurt Angle, some of WWE’s most fabled Superstars have made their in-ring debuts at Survivor Series.