WWE Survivor Series Results

WWE Survivor Series Results (11/24/19)

Flair gets in the ring. Flair and Belair jaw at each other. Flair clotheslines Belair. Carmella rolls up Flair in the confusion. Flair kicks out. Carmella rannas Flair off the top. Flair lands on Belair. Both Flair and Belair kick out of Carmella’s pin attempts. Flair surprises Carmella with Natural Selection for the pin.

Carmella has been eliminated

Storm and Sane trade strikes. Sane lands the inSANE elbow on Storm. Banks breaks up the pin with Meteora. Banks pins Sane.

Kairi Sane has been eliminated

Asuka lands a head kick on Brooke for the pin.

Asuka and Flair get into it. Flair slams her own partner Asuka down to the mat. Asuka spits the mist in Flair’s eyes. Asuka walks away from the team. Evans blast Flair with the Woman’s Right for the pin.

Charlotte Flair has been eliminated

Natalya rolls up Evans for the pin.

Lacey Evans has been eliminated

Natalya puts Storm in the Sharpshooter. Banks joins in and locks Storm in the crossface. Storm taps out.

Toni Storm has been eliminated

Natalya and Banks hit the Hart Attack Clothesline on Belair for the pin.

Bianca Belair has been eliminated

Banks tells Natalya they should team up against Ripley. Banks decks Natalya and somehow gets a three count.

Natalya has been eliminated

Ripley and Banks are the final two competitors. Banks tries a head-scissors DDT but Ripley puts on the breaks. Banks turns it into a sleeper. Ripley drives Banks into the corner to break the submission. Banks lands a top rope Meteora for a near fall. Banks dives off the top again but is met with a big boot from Ripley. Banks kicks out. Ripley puts Banks in her submission hold. Banks reverses it into Banks Statement. Shirai and LeRae run back down to the ring and pull Ripley out of the ring. After a distraction from LeRae, Shirai blasts Banks with a springboard dropkick. Ripley hits Riptide for the win.

Winners- Team NXT

WWE Survivor Series Results Continue On The Next Page!


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