IMPACT Wrestling Throwback Throwdown Results (11/26/19)

Loser Leaves Town Match for the International Commonwealth Television Championship: Julian Cumberbun (c) w/Sonny Sanders vs. Downtown Daddy Brown

Brown atomic drops Cumberbun. Cumberbun tries to run away. Cumberbun gets tied up in the ropes. Brown lands multiple punches. Cumberbun falls outside the ring. Cumberbun hides in the crowd. Cumberbun puts on someone’s hat and starts chanting for Brown. Brown finds Cumberbun. Brown lands a stiff right hand. Cumberbun and Brown trade strikes. While the referee is distracted, Sanders hits Brown with a tennis racket. Cumberbun puts Brown in the figure-four. Brown reverses the hold. Cumberbun gets to the ropes. Cumberbun misses a splash in the corner. Bionic elbow by Brown. Brown drops the big elbow on Cumberbun. Sanders puts Cumberbun’s foot on the bottom rope. Sanders gets on the apron. While the referee is distracted Cumberbun hits Brown with the tennis racket. Brown kicks out. Cumberbun accidentally knocks Sanders off the apron. Brown rolls up Brown for the win!

Winner and NEW International Commonwealth Television Champion, Downtown Daddy Brown!

After the match, the IPWF locker room empties. Everyone celebrates with Brown.

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