Photo Credit: MLW

ACH States He’s ‘Quitting Pro Wrestling’ In New Social Media Outburst

After yesterday’s confirmation that ACH would be returning to MLW, it seems that his wrestling future is going in the exact opposite direction. Yesterday, the former NXT star expanded on his statements against Jay Lethal and refused to apologize. After spending a day responding to many Twitter replies following that message, ACH posted the following pair of tweets today (which is his birthday).

I hate pro wrestling.

I hate you shity fans that think you know it all! More importantly i hate the snakes in this industry.

None of y’all would never say anything about me to me.

All of y’all can go screw yourselves.

I’m canceling my shows AND I’m quitting pro wrestling.

Chasing my dream was great, but you self entitled pricks ruin EVERYTHING.

I’m out.

PWInsider reached out to MLW following this statement, and the company gave them the following response.

We respect ACH’s decision and want him to be happy.

RELATED: ACH Explains Why He Doesn’t Like Jay Lethal, Says He Won’t Apologize For Past Comments