Friday Night Smackdown Results

Friday Night SmackDown Results (1/3/2020)

Braun Strowman vs. Cesaro (with Shinsuke Nakamura & Sami Zayn)

Strowman powers Cesaro into the corner. Cesaro rocks him with strikes but a shoulder block takes the Swiss Cyborg down. Strowman hits a clothesline in the corner and knocks Cesaro off the apron. Cesaro drops Strowman with a drokick to the knee and Nakamura kicks the big man behind the referee’s back. The Swiss Cyborg reverses a slam into a sleeper hold but the Monster Among Men slams Cesaro.

Strowman hits two shoulder tackles and knocks Nakamura off the apron. Strowman trucks over Cesar and Nakamura outside the ring. Zayn runs into the ring an d distracts Strowman. The big man reverses the Neutralizer into a powerslam for the win.

Winner: Braun Strowman

After the match, Nakamura drills Strowman with Kinshasa.

Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan vs. King Corbin & Dolph Ziggler

Corbin and Reigns start the match. Reigns drills Corbin with some punches and a Samoan Drop. Reigns hits him with a Drive-by Kick. Ziggler tags in and eats a big boot. Bryan tags in and dropkicks Corbin. The Fiend’s laughter fills the arena as the lights flicker.

Reigns hits Corbin with another big boot. Corbin plants him with a Deep Six for a near fall and sends Reigns into the steel steps. Reigns rocks Ziggler with some punches but a neckbreaker drops Reigns again. Corbin sends Reigns shoulder-first into the ring post three times. Reigns floors Corbin with a Superman Punch. Bryan tags in and clears house. He dropkicks Ziggler and kicks him in the corner. Bryan hits a hurricanrana off the top. He hits the Yes Kicks but Corbin breaks up the LeBell Lock. Reigns Spears Corbin. Ziggler superkicks Reigns. Bryan hits Ziggler with the running knee. The lights turn out. When they come back on, the Fiend is at ringside. Bryan dives onto the Fiend and brawls with him. The Fiend slams Bryan through the barricade and chokes him out with the Mandible Claw.

The Fiend disappears and medical officials check on Bryan. Ziggler and Corbin attack Reigns. Corbin handcuffs Reigns and Ziggler rolls dog food cans into the ring. With Reigns handcuffed to the ropes, he’s helpless but the Usos charge the ring. They dive onto Corbin and Ziggler outside the ring.

Winner: No Contest

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