WWE Worlds Collide Results

WWE Worlds Collide Results (1/25/20)

The Undisputed Era vs. IMPERIUM

O’Reilly and Aichner trade submission hold. Aichner and O’Reilly trade chops and elbows in the corner. Aichner lands a sick powerslam. Barthel tags in. Aichner and Barthel land a tossing European uppercut for a near fall. Strong tags in and lands a leaping knee to Barthel. Wolfe tags in and elbows Strong in the back of the head. Wolfe eats double kicks from Fish and Strong. Wolfe looks to be out. The referee pauses the match and has the medical staff help Wolfe to the back. WALTER and Cole lock up. After a distraction by Fish. Cole knocks WALTER in the UE corner. Strong is back in. WALTER leapfrogs over Strong, then floors him with a big boot. IMPERIUM takes turns working over Strong. After a distraction, the UE takes control of Barthel. Fish, O’Reilly, Cole, and Strong all work over Barthel’s ribs. Barthel surprises O’Reilly with a Russian leg sweep. WALTER gets the hot tag. WALTER clears the ring. Leg trap German suplex by WALTER. Strong tries to help O’Reilly but WALTER German suplexes them both at the same time. Barthel and Aichner hit their finish on O’Reilly. O’Reilly kicks out.

WALTER obliterates O’Reilly with a knife-edged chop. O’Reilly manages to tag in Strong. Strong knocks everyone off the apron. Strong and WALTER trade chops. Strong tries his patented running elbow strikes. WALTER floors Strong with a lariat. WALTER eats a sick kick from Strong. Aichner tags in and ends up getting put in the Strong Hold. Aichner gets to the ropes. Barthel and Fish are legal after double tags. Fish escapes the European Bomb and suplexes Barthel into Aichner. Cole hits the Ushigorshi on Barthel. WALTER breaks up the pin. Strong, Fish, and O’Reilly stomps WALTER into the corner. WALTER is tossed to the outside. The UE clears off the announce desk. WALTER fights everyone off. WALTER tries to powerbomb O’Reilly through the table but Fish kicks WALTER in the knee. WALTER drops O’Reilly. WALTER stands on the announce table with O’Reilly. Strong sneaks up behind WALTER. Strong Olympic slams WALTER through the other announce table. Barthel and Aichner land the tossing brainbuster. Aichner springboard into a superkick by Cole. Cole Ushigorshis Aichner. Strong gutbusters Barthel. Barthel stumbles to his feet and eats a shining wizard from Cole. Barthel kicks out.

O’Reilly dragon screws Barthel in the ropes. O’Reilly knee drops Barthel leg off the top. O’Reilly slaps on a kneebar. Barthel pulls himself to the ropes. Aichner breaks the submission hold with a double jump springboard moonsault. WALTER finally makes it back to the apron. Barthel finally manages to tag in WALTER. WALTER hands out chops to every member of the UE. Cole superkicks WALTER. Cole hits the ropes and eats a chop by WALTER. WALTER powerbombs Strong. WALTER flattens Strong with a top rope splash. Before WALTER can pin Strong, Cole hits the Last Shot. Barthel breaks up the pin. Both teams go nose-to-nose. A brawl breaks out. WALTER gets taken out by Fish and O’Reilly’s No Man’s Land. Strong and Aichner both lands dives. Fish misses a top rope moonsault. WALTER powerbombs this bejesus out of Fish with the hold for the pinfall victory.





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