WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (1/29/20)

Chelsea Green w/ Robert Stone vs. Kayden Carter

As soon as the bell rings Carter dropkicks Green. Green slams Carter on the middle rope. Basement dropkick by Green. Green sends Carter facefirst into the middle turnbuckle. Carter fires up and lands a few strikes. Carter runs into a boot by Green. Green mouths off to the crowd. Carter rolls up Green for the win!

Winner- Kayden Carter

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals: Pete Dunne and Matt Riddle vs. The Grizzled Young Veterans

Dunne and Riddle work over Drake. Drake tries a sunset flip but Riddle turns it into an ankle lock. Gibson surprises Riddle with a clothesline. Riddel responds with a series of kicks. Riddle gut wrench suplexes Gibson. Dunne assists Riddle with a standing corkscrew splash. Dunne moonsault to the outside to take out Drake. While the referee is distracted, Gibson and Drake land a combo splash/shoulder breaker out on the floor. Drake and Gibson work over Dunne’s injured shoulder. After the break, Dunne manages to tag in Riddle, who clears the ring. Riddle gets a near fall after a deadlift German suplex. Drake tags in and eats a spear by Riddle. Riddle Jackhammers Drake. Riddle and Dunne land a powerbomb/high knee combo by Dunne and Riddle. Dunne gets dumped out of the ring.

Drake and Gibson basket bomb Riddle for a near fall. Everyone lands a kick. Riddle powerbombs Drake, then hits the final flash knee for a near fall. broton by Riddle. Fisherman’s buster by Riddle. Drake kicks out. Riddle lands a series of brotons. Drake DDTs Riddle. Dunne and Gibson tag in Dunne and Gibson have a hockey fight. Dunne German suplexes Gibson. Dual ankle locks by Riddle and Dunne. Gibson and Drake escape. Drake slams Riddle’s head into the apron. Gibson puts Dunne in Shapley Gates, Riddle tries to crawl back into the ring but Drake hops onto Riddle’s back and locks in a sleeper. Riddle gets to his feet and spears Gibson to break the hold. Riddle and Dunne powerbomb Drake onto Gibson. Dunne and Riddle hit the Riddle End. Drake kicks out. Gibson and Drake hit a doomsday suicide device outside of the ring. Riddle kicks out of a 450 by Drake. Riddle and Dunne land duel Brodericks. Riddle and Dunne each it dives off the top. After a bro-to-sleep/enziguri combo, Dunne pins Drake for the win.

Winners- Pete Dunne and Matt Riddle



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