brian pillman jr MLW Fusion
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MLW Fusion Recap: Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Jacob Fatu For The World Heavyweight Title

MLW Fusion fires off with some words from Josef Samael to Brian Pillman Jr. who is challenging Jacob Fatu for the World Heavyweight Title in tonight’s main event. “Tonight’s the night you dance with destiny, but it can also be the night you dance with the Death Squad!”

Tom Lawlor walks out into Dallas to start this episode of Fusion at the Dallas NYTEX Centre with some muscle watching his back to boot.

“It’s great to be back amongst family, isn’t it?” Tom states, mocking Texas as “Von Erich Country.” Lawlor goes on to demean the very Von Erich shirt he’s wearing and the crowd prompts him to take it off. He very much does that before spitting on it and further defiling it. He then throws the shirt at a fan who throws it right back.

Lawlor says he is putting his “real family” back together – Team Filthy. He introduces Dominic Garrini who comes out looking all business. Tom says Dom is going to show you what it’s like to be a real fighter and then runs down the unorthodox Zenshi before the Chilean challenger makes his way to the ring

Match 1

Dominic Garrini vs. Zenshi

Zenshi shows his quickness against Dom, but once the two lock-up it’s a quick takedown by Garrini. Zenshi however, uses the ropes to flip free, but Dom maintains a grip on the ankle. Zenshi turns it into a pin combo for two. The Chilean star gets another pin attempt, and Garrini prompts him to come at him. Zenshi gets on the mat accepting his challenge, and Zenshi takes him to the mat with a headscissor takedown.

Dom quickly locks in an armbreaker and Zenshi gets to the ropes. Zenshi catches Dom off guard several times with his flying as his moves are so methodically placed that Garrini can’t get a gauge for Zenshi’s movements.

Zenshi goes for a standing shooting star press, but Dom locks him in a triangle hold. Zenshi escapes by turning it into another pin attempt.

Soon, Dominic begins to hone in on the right arm of Zenshi. Dom shoves him into the corner, but Zenshi escapes with headbutss. Garrini goes for a rear naked choke, but Zenshi once more gets free. Somersault dropkick right to the mush of Dom.

Zenshi ascends the turnbuckle, and Garrini goes to thwart his progress, but Zenshi tumbles him over the top rope. Zenshi himself flips onto Garrini and the action soon gets back to the canvas.

Zenshi does a 450 off the tope rope, but Dom catches him with a Judo flip and a medic comes in the ring to check on Zenshi.

Garrini shoves the medic aside, gives Zenshi another Judo toss and Dominic delivers a German suplex into an armbreaker (he calls it the Mighty Mouse) and even before Zenshi taps, the official calls for the bell and the ringside medic goes to check on Zenshi.

WINNER: Dominic Garrini

Post match, Lawlor goes on state to Alicia “Joe Rogan” Atout (as he rudely calls her) that they did nothing wrong and that “Team Filthy” will show no mercy.

We catch Brian Pillman entering the NYTEX Centre, but is ambushed by CONTRA’s Sentai Death Squad! Thankfully, Davey Boy was in tow and helped to ward the mysterious thugs off

Get ready Chicago, because MLW Intimidation Games is headed to Cicero Stadium on April 18!

MJF literally fell at the hands of Marshall Von Erich last week on Fusion. We see MJF backstage, who is all kinds of hopped up on his very first coffee (not kidding) and according to Hammerstone (who has so many scoops he’s called the “ice cream man”), MLW afraid of The Von Erichs’ Lawyer/Father (or ‘Papa’ as Gino Medina called him to MJF’s chagrin). Because of this, The Dynasty will be executive producing their very own episode of Fusion. And it will feature Medina taking on Septimo Dragon, Hammerstone will be taking on Aerostar and Holliday and MJF will get their rematch against The Von Erichs for the Tag Team Titles. The trio exit as MJF is still eight miles high on the coffee bean.

Holliday was absent because he’ll be facing Savio Vega tonight who happens to have The Caribbean Championship with him. Vega is backstage with Atout earlier in the day and he wants to show how cowardly Holliday is and after he does, he’s gonna take Alicia salsa dancing.

Match 2

Richard Holliday vs. Savio Vega

MJF is ringside for commentary and good luck hugs Holliday before the bell rings.

Holliday mocks Savio’s Puerto Rican vest before the two lock up.

We get an update stating that the locker room is on lockdown after the Sentai Death Squad invaded the back.

Holliday stomps away at Savio, but that fires the legend up and he clothesline Holliday over the top rope. The two brawl on the outside.

Another update: despite the attack Brian Pillman Jr is a go for tonight’s MLW World Title bout against Jacob Fatu!

Action goes back into the ring before Savio delivers a standing hook kick.

He then sends Richard to the ropes and goes for a signature standing wheel kick but Holliday avoids it. He nails Savio with the 2008 for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Richard Holliday

Post-match, Holliday grabs hold of The Carribean Championship. This was clearly a non-title match, but Holliday decides to walk off with Savio’s belt!

Davey Boy is backstage with Brian Pillman Jr. and tells his friend to stay focused. “The gameplan stays the same!” The Von Erichs come in and also make it clear that they’re looking out for the PWI 2019 Rookie of the Year.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Hear that? Killer Kross is making his way to MLW. What will one of wrestling’s hottest commodities do when he enters under the MLW banner? If Fightland in Philly is any indication, he has his sights set on that treacherous Tom Lawlor.

Speaking of Philly, Battle Riot III will be making its return and the landing spot will indeed be the City of Brotherly Love! All happening on July 18!

Another big announcement is that Japan’s Dragon Gate is going to be heading towards the MLW letters very soon!

We may be seeing some new faces in MLW, but familiar faces will be returning as well. LA Park is returning soon!

And coming on March 13, MLW will head south of the border to meet up with partner AAA Lucha Libre for a memorable merger of styles and style!

Alicia Atout catches up with Mance Warner who asks the brawler from Bucksnort what his thoughts are on The Dynasty? “Assholes,” Mancer says, before offering Alicia a Natty Light.

Cameras check on Zenshi backstage to get his thoughts on Garrini’s actions earlier. Zenshi wants to find his “zen” but the only zen he wants is revenge!

Main Event

MLW World Heavyweight Championship

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Jacob Fatu (c)

Pillman looks extremely focused as he stares down a CONTRA flag draped Fatu. Formal introductions are made and we are underway as we have a big fight feel going on in Dallas, but before the bell even rings, Fatu goes on the attack. Definitely an unfair start by the CONTRA monster and he tosses Pillman across the ring. Pillman goes for a sunset flip, avoids a punch by Fatu before rolling out of the way of a sit down splash.

Fatu slugs away at Brian as he tries to recover but Fatu launches him once more across the ring after a throat jab. Fatu goes to splash Brian, but Pillman sends him a back elbow. Brian resorts to flyin’ with a top rope cross body, but Fatu catches him with a spinning sambo side slam!

Jacob jams his thumb into Brian’s trap muscle, but a jawbreaker jars him free. As Pilman builds momentum, we see Davey Boy and The Von Erichs duking it out with the Sentai Death Squad backstage! Meanwhile, Pillman hits an “Air Pillman” on the champ!

He climbs the top turnbuckle to put the finishing touches on Fatu, leave it to Injustice to come down to ringside! Pillman calls an audible and dives onto Oliver and and Kotto Brazil. Out comes Middleweight Champion Myron Reed out of nowhere to smash Pillman with his chest protector! He rolls Brian back into the ring and Fatu squashes him with his springboard standing moonsault splash.

1, 2, no! Pillman kicks out. This prompts Fatu to ascend the top rope and hit a moonsault. Samael says that isn’t enough and encourages the champ to deliver a second one. Fatu abides and he gets the three count.

WINNER and STILL MLW World Heavyweight Champion: Jacob Fatu

Injustice once more costs Pillman at adding to his prestige in MLW as the World Champion stands tall in CONTRA colors. Will Pillman end up getting his justice? One with any sort of scruples certainly hopes so.

These results were written by @DOMINICDEANGELO but are COURTESY OF MLW.COM. Watch the full episode of  this week’s MLW Fusion below:

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