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Full AEW Revolution Results (2/29/20)


AEW World Tag Team Championship

The Young Bucks vs. Adam “Hangman” Page & Kenny Omega (c)

Page enters after The Young Bucks and begins jaw jacking with the two brothers. Very mixed reaction for Matt & Nick leaning on the side of boos.

Big “Cowboy Shit” chants. Kenny and Nick start things off. The two lock up. Arm wrench by Kenny. Crowd very into this super early. Very fast paced action by Nick and Kenny. Just a super quick sequence that ends in a hand slap of respect between the two. Page gets tagged in and so does Matt. The two grapple on the Matt, get to a vertical base and the crowd cheers. Matt goes for a handshake, but Hangman spits in the face of his friend. Matt tackles and begins railing away on Adam. Crowd really behind Hangman. Matt shoves Kenny off and Nick tries to settle his brother down. Hard hit by Adam on Nick, but Nick returns with a savate kick.

Bucks corner Hangman with a double team neckbreaker, knocks Kenny off the apron and then a double twisting neckbreaker on Page to cement control.

Page later regains control and begins feeding the knees. Hangman harshly tags in Kenny and exchanges some words as Kenny gives him a look. Page soon looks to be aiming to drive Matt onto the ring bell on the outside, but Kenny stops it and gets the action back into the squared circle. Page and Kenny work on Matt’s back, but Matt double overhead throws his opponents. Nick gets tagged and takes it too both Page and Kenny. It includes a top rope armdrag onto Page and flips it into a hurricanrana on Kenny.  Moonsault onto the outside. Nick is on fire. He soon locks on the sharpshooter to Kenny.

Kenny soon goes for his Terminator dive onto the outside but receives a kick to the gut for his efforts. Two count.

Matt becomes the legal man as Kenny struggles to reach Page. Matt instigates Adam and Nick runs over to pull Page off the apron. Matt hits a piledriver on Kenny for a close fall. Tag into Nick.

Page gets the crowd behind him as Nick tries to keep Kenny grounded, but Kenny nails Nick with a Sky High. Tag to Hangman who slugs both Bucks down. Knocks Nick down with a clothesline on the apron before doing some “Cowboy Shit” to both brothers. Chicago digs it.

Kenny is still down in the corner, but Page sends the brothers onto the outside once more before delivering his signature moonsault onto the outside.

Action goes back to the inside and Adam lariats Nick down. He shoves Nick into Matt’s corner, wanting the older brother in the ring. Slugfest between Page and Matt. Matt cross chops Hangman and comes charging but Page boots him down. Kenny gets the tag and the two double team Matt with a modified belly to back. Doctor bomb by Kenny for two.

Kenny tags Page back in and it’s not long before Matt reaches Nick. Super kick by Nick onto Kenny and soon vaults himself onto Hangman from the entryway with a Canadian Destroyer for a close pin.

The Bucks later pull a page out of the Motor City Machine Guns’ book for a double team onto Page but Page soon regains composure and locks in a crossface chicken wing on Matt. Matt reverses himself free and Nick immediately nails Page with a 450 splash. Two count.

The Bucks go for a Bang For Your Buck, but Matt’s back gives out and Kenny hits a green overalls double team. Another V-Trigger double team for a near fall.

Kenny later smacks both Bucks with a V-trigger and then two dragon suplexes onto Nick Jackson before hitting a Tiger Driver ’98. Nick kicks out.

Kenny sends Nick into the corner and hoists him up in a top rope electric chair drop but Nick turns it into a reverse hurricanrana. Matt then catches Page on the entryway for his three northern lights suplexes. Crowd is eating it up. Matt tells Nick to get his ass up and sets Hangman up for an Indy Taker on the ramp. They nail it and the crowd really boos The Bucks. They trade superkicks onto Kenny in the ring. They nail a double V-Trigger on Kenny, but he kicks out at one. HUGE POP. Kenny asks for it again and they oblige. Two count. Crowd chants for Omega.

They focus on Kenny’s bandaged shoulder to more boos. Matt’s hands are shaking with anger. Matt sets Kenny up for a Meltzer Driver but Hangman pulls Nick off the apron and powerbombs him through the ringside table. Page and Omega hit their finisher double team, but somehow Matt kicks out.

Omega goes for a One-Winged Angel, but Matt wriggles free because of Kenny’s bad shoulder. Kenny tags in Page who executes a One-Winged Angel  of his own but Nick breaks it up. Hangman then hits his Buckshot Lariat on Nick  before doing the same to Matt in the ring for the win.

WINNERS and STILL AEW Tag Team Champions: Adam Page & Kenny Omega

Post-match, The Bucks look to make amends and seem to with Kenny. Page is hesitant and thinks long before going onto the apron. He teases a Buckshot Lariat onto Kenny who turns around, but then opens the rope for his partner to walk out.