IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/10/20)

Jordynne Grace Open Challenge

Maddison Rayne walks out on the stage and says Grace’s 15 minutes of fame are over. Rayne introduces Grace’s opponet, Lacey Ryan!

Knockouts Championship Match: Jordynne Grace vs. Lacey Ryan w/Madison Rayne

Grace and Ryan lock up. Grace forces Ryan into the corner after a bit of back and forth. Ryan pushes Grace. Grace gets in Ryan’s face. Grace and Ryan trade strikes and pin attempts. Ryan goes up top. Grace bodyslams Ryan off the top for a near fall. Ryan drops and elbow on Grace for a two count. Ryan nails Grace with a front face DDT. Ryan transitions into an armbar that Grace easily escapes. Grace blasts Ryan with a running hip attack. Grace Vader Bombs Ryan. Ryan kicks out.

Grace runs into a series of kicks by Ryan. Shinning wizard by Ryan. Grace kicks out. Ryan goes up top. Grace cuts Ryan off and attempts a superplex. Ryan knocks Grace off the top rope. Grace grabs Ryan off the top and hits a muscle buster. Ryan manages to kick out again. Ryan lands a rolling senton followed by a frog splash. Grace kicks out at two. Ryan misses a splash. Grace drops Ryan with the Grace driver for the win.

Winner and STILL Knockouts Champion, Jordynne Grace

Backstage, Joey Ryan defends Katie Forbes. RVD approves.

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