WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (3/13/20)

Ziggler and Roode refuse to exit their pod. Otis and Tucker are trying to rip their pod open. Miz and Morrison save Ziggler and Roode. Ziggler tries to climb the chamber to get away from Otis. Tucker climbs the Chamber and tosses Ziggler off. Otis catches Ziggler and slams him on the top rope. Tucker does a senton off the pod onto the Usos, New Day, and Roode. Otis counter’s Roode’s Glorious DDT into a backdrop. Otis tries to spear Ziggler but Ziggler moves. Otis runs straight through the pod and falls out of the Chamber. Tucker fires up and goes after Roode and Ziggler. Ziggler superkicks Tucker. Roode drops Tucker with the Glorious DDT for the pin.

Heavy Machinery= eliminated.

Ziggler and Roode mock Tucker and Otis. Kington hits Trouble in Paradise on Roode. Big E. crushes Ziggler with the Big Ending. The Usos land duel splashes off of the pods to eliminate Roode and Ziggler.

Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler have been eliminated.

New Day and The Usos jump Miz and Morrison. The New Day and The Usos stomp Miz and Morrison. The Usos and New Day turn on each other. Kingston tries a splash off the pod but Jimmy moves out of the way. Miz and Morrison crawl into the ring and pin Kingston.

The New Day= eliminated.

Miz puts Jey in a figure-four. Morrison hits Starship Pain. Jimmy breaks up the pin with a schoolboy on Morrison. Morrisons kicks out. Jimmy lands a superkick. Morrison kicks out. Miz and Morrison roll up Jimmy while Miz has his feet on the ropes for the win.

Winners and STILL SmackDown Tag Team Champions, The Miz and Morrison!

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!