major league wrestling mlw

MLW Bringing Episodes Of Underground To The Digital Age

Major League Wrestling has had two major incarnations. The current version brought the world MJF and the continuation of the Von Erich line. The 2003 era brought Joey Styles back to television alongside CM Punk, Umaga, Chris Hero, Steve Corino and many more. Like ECW’s Hardcore TV, early MLW was supported by MLW Underground, a broadcast not seen on a national scale. That is about to change.

MLW has announced that they’re beginning the process of digitizing and remastering their tape library, including all episodes of the 2003-2004 TV program. Considering how many digital ways there are for fans to enjoy old wrestling, these old episodes could uncover hidden gems from a very interesting time in wrestling history. More details on the program’s eventual availability is still to come, but wrestling historians will want to pay attention to MLW in the very near future.

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