Christian Comments On A Potential Return To TV In Edge’s Corner, The Legacy Of Their WWE Network Show

Christian isn’t teasing anything about ‘one… more… match’ — but he is open to another storyline appearance with his best friend Edge under the right circumstances.

Christian recently spoke with Wrestlezone Managing Editor Bill Pritchard while promoting his new film Cagefighter: Worlds Collide and spoke about Edge’s return to WWE. Christian’s in-ring career is over now and he’s been pretty open in the past about believing he wouldn’t be cleared to compete due to the nature of his injuries. Concussion-related issues took him out of the ring and he noted Edge’s situation is a lot different, but he wouldn’t rule out a managerial-type role or a storyline appearance if it made sense.

“If it made sense storyline-wise, for sure. Obviously, Edge is dipping his toes back in here, but they are also very different injuries. His was structural and mine was concussion [related]. I’m not sure how you would ever get cleared if you’ve been medically disqualified from something like that. I’m also pretty content with my career and how it went, but who knows? I would never turn down a chance to work with my best friend again. You never know, we’ll see what happens down the line.”

Speculation about Edge’s return started when their ‘Pod Of Awesomeness’ went on hiatus, but Christian says the show was already getting ready to go on hold for a different reason. Christian noted that Beth Phoenix was traveling for her growing role as a WWE commentator, and their respective schedules along with raising a family were starting to conflict. He says despite both the podcast and the WWE Network show going on hiatus, he has a lot of great memories working on them and called the latter one of the best experiences of his career.

“It’s funny with the whole timing of him [getting cleared]—I knew a little while beforehand, even before he started to mull over the idea of coming back and it had to do with Beth being on the road doing commentary. With two young children at home it was getting harder—the days that we recorded were the days that she was gone—it made it really hard. That is kinda why we phased it out and then everything that happened after that is when the speculation started.

“The Edge And Christian Show is evergreen, I guess. I hear it all the time when I see people or talk to people that they are watching both seasons of it. I had a lot of fun doing it. I don’t think it will be anytime soon, but down the line, who knows? We had a blast doing it and it was a lot of fun, it was a challenge writing and producing it, starring in it. A show had never been done like that before, a variety show specifically for wrestling fans. We could see how far we could push the limit a bit and [get people to say] ‘oh man, did they really just say that?’ To have the vision in mind for certain talent, certain skits and then seeing it through and they blow your mind, making it better than you ever envisioned. I can’t say enough about the experience of doing that show, it’s one of the most fun things I’ve done in my career.”

Related: Christian On His Dual Roles In ‘Cagefighter’, Mutual Respect Between Pro Wrestling And MMA (Exclusive

Cagefighter: Worlds Collide premieres on FITE on Saturday, May 16; check out our full interview with Christian at the top of this post.

The Watch List will take a look at what matches you should be watching while you’re at home and they come recommended by your favorite professional wrestling stars.

Christian gave us two picks that fans should try and find; one that he studied early in his career and another from his ECW World Championship run against William Regal.

“I don’t know if this is on WWE Network but there’s a [Ricky] Steamboat and Bob Orton match from Landover, Maryland. I can’t remember what year it was, but when I was first breaking in I was just watching that match over and over again and studying it. That one’s just off the top of my head.

Someone actually just tweeted me this the other day, so I’ll throw it out there. It was a match that was either a year ago today or yesterday of myself versus William Regal on ECW. He and I had some under the radar matches on ECW that were ‘on the fly’ and some real fight-type of matches. I think the difference in our styles really meshed well together. We seemed to have good chemistry with each other.”

The full-length matches Christian picked can be seen below; we also added some recommendations to the list and selected a good mix of bouts from Captain Charisma’s WWE career. Some of the matches include the first-ever tag team ladder match at No Mercy, TLC 4 and Christian’s World Heavyweight Championship defense against Randy Orton.

Ricky Steamboat vs. Bob Orton
WWF Prime Time Wrestling — July 20, 1985

Christian vs. William Regal (ECW Heavyweight Championship)
ECW — November 10, 2009

Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz 
WWF No Mercy — October 17, 1999

The Rock vs. Edge & Christian
WWF SmackDown — May 30, 2000

Edge vs. Christian (Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match)
WWF No Mercy — October 21, 2001

Kane vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Christian & Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam (TLC 4) 
WWE RAW — October 7, 2002

Rob Van Dam vs. Christian (Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match)
WWE RAW — September 29, 2003

Randy Orton vs. Christian – World Heavyweight Championship 
WWE Money In The Bank — July 17, 2011

WATCH: Christian On Having Good In-Ring Chemistry With William Regal; Relive His TLC And Ladder Match Classics (Full-Length Matches)


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