WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (6/1/20)

Aleister Black vs. Seth Rollins

Black lands a few leg kicks. Black follows that up with a few punches that send Rollins into the corner. Black trips Rollins. Rollins narrowly avoids a head kick from Black. Rollins drags Blackout of the ring. Black kicks Rollins in the chest before sending him back into the ring. Rollins surprises Black with a front dropkick. Rollins snaps Black down to the mat with a suplex. Rollins works over Black. Rollins sends Black out of the ring and lands a suicide dive. Rollins misses a head kick. Black kicks Rollins in the head. Rollins sends Black out of the ring. Theory and Murphy swarm.

Humberto Carrillo runs down to the ring with a chair to hold off Rollins’ flunkies. After the break, Rollins continues to work over Black. Rollins drops Black with the sling blade. Black kicks out. Black fires up and lands a few strikes. Black sweeps Rollins’ legs. Running knee by Black. Black crushes Rollins with a springboard moonsault Rollins kicks out. German suplex for a near fall by Black. Rollins superkicks Black. Rollins gets a near fall after a falcon arrow. Rollins attempts a frog splash but Black gets his knees up. Rollins rolls out to the apron. Black and Rollins trade strikes. Black boots Rollins in the chest so hard he is sent into the ring post. Goldenstar moonsault but Black.

After the break, Rollins lands his frog splash. Black kicks out. Rollins tries the Stomp. Black reverses it into an armbar. Rollins turns that into a powerbomb. Rollins springboards off the top rope right into a pump knee by Black. Black calls for Black Mass. Murphy and Theory get on the apron. Carrillo pulls them both down. in the confusion, Black rolls up Rollins for the win!

Winner- Aleister Black

After the match, Rollins and his disciples layout Black and Carrillo. Rollins stomps Black as Murphy and Theory hold him in place.

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