Photo Credit: WWE.com

Edge Says ‘The Greatest Match Ever’ Billing Is An Albatross

Edge appeared on RAW Talk this week and discussed his match with Randy Orton at WWE Backlash. Edge said that his doubt stems from his desire to be better than ever. He talked about how much his life has changed since he left. “It’s also one of the first times that I’ve ever been nervous,” said Edge. “I’m still not used to sorting through all those feelings.”

Edge said he knows his family supports him, but he doesn’t want to let anyone down. “My family will never be disappointed in me,” said Edge. “Of course, I don’t want to disappoint the fans.” Edge also said he wants to prove to himself that he can still wrestle. The Rated R Superstar called the “Greatest Match Ever” billing an albatross because it adds even more pressure to the match. The Rated R Superstar said Orton crossed him when he decided to try and do what he felt was best for Edge. Edge admitted that he initially wanted to reunite with Orton. “I would have loved to see Rated RKO take another ride together,” said Edge.

Edge said he needs to prove to himself that he can wrestle at an elite level; otherwise, Orton might be right.

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