WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (7/17/20)

Intercontinental Championship Match: AJ Styles (c) vs. Matt Riddle

Riddle forces Styles into the corner. Clean break by Riddle. Styles forces Riddle into the corner and shockingly doesn’t give Riddle a clean break. Styles lands a few elbows. Riddle responds with tow gut wrench suplexes. Styles retreats to the apron. Riddle catches him with a springboard knee strike. Styles falls out to the floor. Styles bangs on the announce desk in frustration. Riddle mocks Styles. Styles charges in and head a nasty head kick from Riddle. After the break, Riddle gets another near fall after a fisherman’s suplex. Riddle walks into a stun gun by Styles.

Styles slams Riddle down to the mat with a modified facebuster. Dragon screw by Styles. Styles works over Riddle’s leg. Styles locks Riddle in a rear chin lock. Riddle kicks Styles into a corner. Running elbow by Riddle. Riddle follows that with thee Bro-To-Sleep but Styles kicks out. After the break, Styles continues his assault. Riddle surprises Styles with a Broton. Styles and Riddle trade strike. Riddle tries an overhead kick but Styles catches Riddle’s foot and locks in the Calf Crusher. Riddle reverses it into the BroMission. Styles reverses it into a pin and gets the three count.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, AJ Styles!

After the match, Styles offers Riddle a handshake. Riddle obliges. King Corbin attacks Riddle from behind. Styles looks on, but eventually just walks away. Corbin gives Riddle the End of Days.



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