WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/20/20)

Seth Rollins w/Murphy vs. Aleister Black

The match started during the break. Rollins is stomping Black in the middle of the ring. The referee admonishes Rollins. Black kicks Rollins in the gut. Black leads a few more stikes before Rollins retreats to the outside. Rollins ducks a punch from Black. Black ends up punching the ring post. Rollins sends Black back into the ring. Slingblade by Rollins. Rollins focuses his attack on Black’s arm and hand. Black instinctively punches with his injured right hand.

Black lands the strike but hurts himself in the process. Snap suplex by Rollins. Black low bridges Rollins. Rollins tumbles to the mat. Black lands a few strikes. Sliding knee by Black. Black tries a springboard moonsault but Rollins moves out of the way. Rollins goes for the Stomp. Black avoids it and hits Black Mass. Rollins is too close to the ropes. Black tries to pull Rollins back to the center of the ring but he can’t his hand is in bad shape. Murphy hit the ring to try to attack Black but catches him with Black Mass twice. Rollins falls out of the ring.

After the break, Black kicks Rollins in the chest. Rollins gets to his feet. Black kicks him again. As Rollins is laying face first on the mat, Black whispers something to him. Black lifts Rollins up with his foot. Rollins avoids Black Mass. Rollins hits a superkick followed by a basement superkick. Rollins yells for Murphy but Murphy is still out on the floor. Rollins goes up top. Black cuts Rollins off. Black sets up a superplex. Rollins snaps Black’s arm on the top rope. Rollins tries a flying knee but Black sidesteps it. Rollins manages to hit the Stomp for the win.

Winner- Aleister Black

After the match, Rollins sends Murphy to beat down Black. Murphy and Rollins drag Black to the outside area. Rolling bangs Black’s hand on the announce desk over and over again. Rollins screams “when is enough enough” Murphy sits on Black’s back as Rollins stands on his hand. Rollins drapes part of the announce desk on Black’s arm. Rollins asks who is going to save Black. Rollins retorts that he will. The Monday Night Messiah will Rollins stomps Black’s arm.


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