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Apollo Crews Defeats MVP, Retains US Title At WWE SummerSlam

At WWE SummerSlam Kickoff, Apollo Crews defended the WWE United States Championship against MVP. Due to Crews’ victory over Shelton Benjamin on WWE RAW, Benjamin and Bobby Lashley were banned from ringside. The bout was evenly matched early on, as both men were familiar with each other. Crews used his athleticism to counter MVP’s veteran expertise throughout the match. MVP took control by sending Crews crashing into the steel steps.

A superplex left both men down as they both crashed onto the canvas. Crews took a big risk when he dove over the top rope to take MVP down. The rivals barely avoided getting counted out. Crews rallied with a flurry of strikes and dropped MVP with a spinebuster. A standing moonsault earned the champion a two count. Crews countered the Playmaker into the toss powerbomb for the win. The champion avoided an attack from Lashley and Benjamin after the match.

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