vince mcmahon
(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Vince McMahon Was Unhappy With Ending To Undertaker’s Documentary

The Undertaker seemingly wrestled in his final match this year at WrestleMania, defeating AJ Styles in a boneyard match. During the end sequence of his ‘The Last Ride’ documentary, The Undertaker seemed to reveal to fans that his time in the ring was done.

Vince McMahon was unhappy with how Undertaker ended the documentary. When appearing on My Mom’s Basement podcast, Undertaker said, “I have a whole group of people who are like, ‘You can go out and do this, people will go crazy.’ On the inside, I’m thinking, ‘I don’t move the way I used to move, it’s a watered down version.’ I also love this business so much and love performing. It’s almost like I needed somebody to put the bullet in there and stop.”

Undertaker continued on by saying, “Once we started rolling with this, it was in the back of my mind, ‘I can get to a point where this will solidify it and I won’t have a choice.’ Originally, that’s where I was at until I had to send the last 15 minutes to the Chairman [Vince McMahon]. He didn’t like the ending at all. That’s where we put the line back in there, ‘never say never.’ I’m coming to grips with it. Obviously, as we get close to [WrestleMania], I’ll have that internal feeling like I should be getting ready for something.”

Thanks to Fightful for the transcription of the podcast.

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