WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (10/19/20)

In-Ring Segment: The New Day

Before Woods can finish his thought, Sheamus interrupts. Sheamus jokes that they are only 2/3rds of New Day. Kingston says New Day now gets to spread its seed all over the WWE Universe.

Kofi Kingston w/Xavier Woods vs. Sheamus

Sheamus drives Kingston down to the mat with a side headlock. Kingston gets to his feet. Sheamus runs over Kingston. Kingston dropkicks Sheamus. Sheamus responds with a few clubbing blows. Kingston tries to fire up but Sheamus quickly cuts him off with a forearm smash. Sheamus tries a press slam but Kingston lands on his feet. Kingston clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope. Kingston tries a dive but Sheamus catches him in the air. Sheamus slams Kingston’s face into the apron. After the break, Sheamus continues his assault. Big E shown on the Thunderdome screens watching the match. Woods tells Kingston Big E is watching.

Kingston crushes Sheamus with a standing double stomp. Kingston hits the New Day boom drop. Sheamus avoids Trouble in Paradise. Kingston hops up to the top rope and hits a crossbody for a near fall. Kingston tries another splash but Sheamus catches him once again. Sheamus hits a spinout uranage for a near fall. Sheamus locks Kingston in the Cloverleaf. Kingston turns the hold into a pin. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus reverses Trouble in Paradise into an Alabama Slam. Kingston somehow manages to kick out.  Sheamus carries Kington up to the top rope. Kingston escapes and hits a Russian leg sweep off the top rope. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus and Kingston trade strikes. Kingston surprises Sheamus with Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winner- Kofi Kingston


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