WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/23/20)

WWE RAW ResultsWWE RAW Results 

November 23, 2020

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Adam Pearce is in the ring with Team RAW. Pearce says because Team RAW beat SmackDown’s men’s team in a clean sweep, one of them will be getting the next shot at Drew McIntyre and the WWE Championship. Pearce says they can all make their case. Sheamus says he was the MVP of the team and should get the shot. AJ Styles says Sheamus is friends with McIntyre the fix is in.

Lee says since he actually pinned SmackDown’s team captain he should get the shot. Riddle interrupts and says he pin King Corbin so maybe he should get a crown and a shot at McIntyre. Strowman grabs Pearce by the shirt after he uses the phrase “last but not least”. Strowman decks Pearce. The rest of the superstars in the ring block Strowman from getting his hands on Pearce again.

The Hurt Business demands a title shot from New Day tonight. Alexander goads Woods into saying yes.

RAW Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day (c) vs. The Hurt Business

Benjamin double legs Woods and rains down lefts and rights. Benjamin drives his knee into Woods’ shoulder. Benjamin tosses Woods across the ring. Suplex by Benjamin. Woods kicks out. After the break, Woods manages to tag in Kingston. Kingston lands a few strikes, followed by the boom drop to Benjamin. Kingston calls for Trouble in Paradise. Benjamin avoids the move. Kingston goes up top. Alexander pulls Kingston off the top. Benjamin falls to the outside. Alexander and Kingston fight outside the ring. Benjamin and Kingston are both counted out.

Winners- The Hurt Business

MVP grabs a mic and yells that New Day can’t let it end that way. If they aren’t cowards, they need to restart this match. Woods yells for the referee to bring them their titles. Kingston and Woods eventually go back to the ring.

WWE RAW Results Continue On The Next Page!