WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (11/30/20)

Sudden Death Number One Contenders Triple Threat Match: AJ Styles w/Omos vs. Riddle vs. Keith Lee

Lee almost hits a dive but Riddle and Styles run away. Styles stomps Lee in the corner. Riddle attacks Styles from behind. Lee leapfrogs over Riddle and Styles. Lee works over Riddle in the ring. Omos helps Styles onto the apron. Styles lands a sliding knee. Riddle lands a dive. After the break, Riddle lands a senton. Riddle suplexes Styles. Riddle tries a senton but Styles kicks him out of the air. Styles is launched out of the ring by Lee.

Lee tosses Riddle clear across the ring. Lee sets up the Spirit Bomb. Riddle reverses it into a hanging armbar. Lee bats Styles away using Riddle. Lee escapes but Riddle lands a head kick. Riddle charges in but gets pounced by Lee. Riddle kicks out. Styles tries to pin Lee but Lee pushes him away. Styles lands on Riddle. Riddle kicks out. Riddle German suplexes Styles for a near fall. Riddle and Lee trade strikes. Styles surprises Riddle with the Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

Winner- AJ Styles

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