NXT TakeOver

WWE NXT TakeOver WarGames Results (12/6/20)

The lights start to flicker in the arena. Images of a vulture and a clock are shown. Someone says “tick-tock”…

North American Championship Triple Threat Match: Leon Ruff (c) vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Damian Priest

Gargano sends Ruff into Priest. Priest throws Ruff away and goes after Gargano. Gargano rolls up Priest. Priest kick out. Gargano keeps Priest out of the ring so he can work on Ruff. Ruff skips the ropes before hitting a ranna. Dropkick by Ruff. Priest gets back in the ring and pushes Ruff out of the way to get his hands on Gargano. Priest sends Ruff out of the way. Priest tells Ruff to get out of his way. Ruff lands a dropkick off the top to Priest and Gargano. Priest tells Ruff he doesn’t want to hurt him and to go home. Ruff kicks Priest.

Priest lifts Ruff up for a chokeslam but Gargano charges in. Ruff and Gargano work over Priest together. Gargano spears ruff through the ropes. Priest pulls Gargano out of the ring and launches him into the barricade. Ruff dives off the stage but Priest catches him. Priest tells Ruff to get out of his way. Ruff slaps Priest. Priest hits a Razor’s Edge that sends Ruff through the security barricade. Priest realizes what he just did. Priest looks concerned. Priest yells that he’s sorry as officials help Ruff to the back.

Gargano surprises Priest with a tornado DDT outside of the ring. Gargano tries to hit One Final Beat but Priest puts on the breaks. After a series of counters, Gargano lands sliced bread #2. Priest kicks out. Ruff runs back down to the ring and hits a springboard splash on Gargano. Ruff dropkicks Priest off the apron. Ruff walks the ropes and hits a dive on Priest and Gargano. Springboard cutter by Ruff! Gargano kicks out. Ruff surprises Gargano with a rebound clothesline. Priest boots Ruff in the face. Priest flatliners Ruff and Gargano at the same time.

Priest lands a series of corner splashes before using the broken arrow on Ruff. Priest sends Ruff into Gargano. Gargano lawn darts Ruff into Priest. Gargano ties Priest in the ropes in ring #2. Ruff hits a Crucifix Bomb on Gargano. Gargano kicks out. Ruff goes up top. Ruff misses his frog splash. Gargano puts Ruff in the Gargano Escape. Priest escapes the ropes and breaks up the submission. Priest hits a spin kick off the top. Priest misses a splash in the corner. Ruff lands a clothesline that does nothing to Priest. Ruff tries again but still no effect. Priest launches Ruff into a superkick by Gargano. Priest choke bombs Gargano.

A bunch of guys in Ghostface mask attack Priest. Priest lands dives on all of them. Gargano tries a dive but Priest catches him and chokeslams him on the apron. Priest sends  Gargano into the ring. Ruff hits a frog splash while Priest’s back is turned. Priest manages to break up the pin. Ruff lands a few strikes but Priest destroys him with a spin kick. Another Ghostface appears and hits Priest with a pipe. Gargano hits One Final Beat on Ruff for the win.

Winner and NEW North American Champion, Johnny Gargano!

The last Ghostface removes his mask and it’s Austin Theory.

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