mike bennett
Photo Credit: Ring Of Honor

Mike Bennett Dealing With Ankle Injury After ROH Final Battle, Gives Update On Recovery Timeframe

Mike Bennett ended up victorious at Final Battle but he also left the event with an injury that will keep him out of the ring for a few weeks.

Bennett posted the following, revealing he has a hairline fracture in his ankle that will keep him out for several weeks. He noted that he didn’t want it to detract from the event last night, and expects to be back sooner than the six-week recovery time he was initially given.

I wanted to wait till later this week to address my ankle because I didn’t want it to take away from #FinalBattle. But I think it’s better to get it out there & move past it. I have a hairline fracture in my ankle. Recovery time is about 6 weeks. I’ll be back sooner.

Bennett initially wanted to wait to provide an update on his health, but ultimately posted the injury news on Saturday morning.

The OGK (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) defeated The Righteous (Vincent and Bateman) at Final Battle, a match that marked Bennett’s first tag team match in Ring Of Honor in nearly five years.

Related: ROH Final Battle Results (12/18/20)
