king mo
Photo By David Fitzgerald/Sportsfile via Getty Images

King Mo Explains How Pro Wrestling Caused Him To Lose His Belief In God

On the latest episode of Brisco and Big Ace on VOC Nation, Wes Brisco talked to MMA Star and MLW wrestler King Mo, who spoke about his upbringing, his faith, his view on today’s product, and much more.

On wrestling causing him to lose his belief in God:

“I remember when Sting was going to wrestle Ric Flair at Clash of Champions, I prayed on that – that Sting would win. I prayed hard. Sting didn’t win; it was a Broadway, a draw. So I was like maybe God didn’t want Sting to win, but he didn’t want him to lose either… Then there was another feud, I think it was the Powers of Pain and the Legion of Doom. Warlord and Barbarian, that was my team; it got no better than that. Well when that match happened, it was a squash match. I was praying, I was crying, and my mom (told me) ‘wrestling’s not real’. And I (was thinking that) I prayed to God about it; if wrestling isn’t real, I guess God doesn’t exist either. That was my rationale when I was young, and I still run with it.”

On promos not being authentic in today’s product:

“I remember when I was young, Ric Flair was (expletive) believable. Now I’m watching his old promos and I’m like (damn) this guy really believed what he was saying. This guy is really believable. You don’t see the same promos now that you used to see back then… Nick Aldis cuts a mean promo, I like his promos; he can cut a mean promo. MJF is good too.”

Read More: Calvin Tankman Aims To Knock People Out In MLW (WZ Interview)

Check out the full interview below: