WWE NXT Results NXT viewership

WWE NXT Results (3/17/21)

Somewhere near the arena O’Reilly and Cole are both being arrested. Cole is lived. Regal finds out O’Reilly tried to run Cole off the road.

LA Knight vs. August Grey

Knight very beats his opponent all over the ring. Bronson Reed walks out on the stage and puts on Knights jacket, ripping to shreds in the process. Grey rolls up Knight for a near fall. Grey fires up but misses a springboard splash. Knight hits a front face DDT for the win.

Winner- LA Knight

Backstage, Kai begs Gonzalez to team with her next week against Stark and Shirai. Gonzalez eventually agrees.

Backstage, Regal says he hopes the police drop the charges against Cole and O’Reilly. They won’t stop until they destroy each other. Regal has an idea.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch (c) vs. Finn Bálor and Karrion Kross w/Scarlett

Kross tosses Lorcan clear across the ring with an exploder. Lorcan tags in Burch. Kross runs over Burch. Bálor mockingly claps for Kross on the apron. Kross puts Burch in a bearhug. Burch punches his way out of the hold. Kross immediately slams Burch. Kross tries suplexes Burch as Lorcan attacks from behind. Burch and Lorcan try to suplex Kross but Kross manages to suplex them both at the same time.

After the break, Lorcan and Burch are working over Bálor. Bálor fires up and lands a double stomp. Bálor sends Lorcan out of the ring. Bálor hits the sling blade out on the floor. Bálor accidentally runs into Scarlett outside the ring. Kross Goes nuts and slams Bálor into every surface he can find. Kross sends Bálor back into the ring. Lorcan hits a vicious-running European uppercut for the win.

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch!

Kross hits the ring and hits multiple Doomsday Saitos on Lorcan. Kross then continues his assault on Bálor. Kross puts Bálor in the Kross Jacket. Scarlett tells Kross to let Bálor go and he does. Scarlett helps Bálor up and Kross almost decapitates him with a running elbow strike to the back of the head.


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