chris dickinson
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Homicide Returns, Chris Dickinson Debuts At ROH 19th Anniversary, Form New Group With Brody King & Tony Deppen

A new stable was born at Ring of Honor’s 19th Anniversary Show.

After La Faccion Ingobernable helped RUSH retain the ROH World Championship against Jay Lethal, LFI brawled with The Foundation. When RUSH and his allies gained the upper hand, Brody King and Tony Deppen came to the stage. But they were a diversion, as Homicide and the debuting Chris Dickinson attacked LFI from behind.

King and Homicide then attacked former ROH World Champion Jay Lethal to close the show, making it clear that this quartet is surely a force to be reckoned with. In a Tweet after the show, King teased the group’s name and its mission.

Homicide is a former ROH World Champion, and he left the company in 2013. He then starred in TNA/IMPAT Wrestling and the National Wrestling Alliance, among other promotions.

Dickinson is one of the most recognizable figures in independent wrestling. He has been prominently featured in Game Changer Wrestling, Beyond Wrestling, and New Japan-Pro Wrestling on its New Japan Strong program. He also enjoyed a lot of success on UWN Primetime Live.