wwe wrestlemania 37

WWE WrestleMania Night 2 Results (4/11/21):

O’Neil and Hogan come out on the stage to thank the fans. Bayley interrupts and says she’s been carrying the hosting duties for the past two nights. Bayley says she is tired from dealing with all of these crappy legends. The Bella Twins walk out on the stage. Bayley tells them John Cena isn’t here tonight. Brie and Nikki beat up Bayley.

Universal Championship Triple Threat Match: Roman Reigns (c) w/Paul Heyman and Jey Uso vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Edge

Bryan is tossed out of the ring. Uso superkicks Bryan and tosses him into the ring steps. Reigns tosses Edge out of the ring. Uso superkicks Edge. Bryan surprises Reigns with a suicide dive. Edge launches Uso into the barricade. Edge grabs Reigns and sends him into the barricade and apron over and over again. Edge finishes his assault by slamming Reigns’ head into the ring post. Edge DDTs Uso on the ring steps. Uso is helped away from ringside by referees. Edge and Bryan trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Bryan lands a few Yes kicks in the corner. Bryan hits a ranna off the top but Edge rolls through into a sunset flip. Bryan kicks out. Reigns gets on the apron. Edge and Reigns try to suplex each other. Bryan trips Reigns on the apron. Bryan lands a missile dropkick. Edge whips Bryan into the ropes but Bryan dives through and tries to catch Reigns sleeping.

Reigns catches Bryan in midair and hits a suplex. Reigns tries a Superman Punch but Edge reverses it into an implant DDT. Edge tries the Spear but Regins counters with a Superman Punch. Reigns calls for the Spear. Edge reverses it into a sunset flip. Reigns kicks out. Edge and Reigns both go for the Spear at the same time, causing them to crash into each other. Bryan drops a diving headbutt on Edge and Reigns. Bryan can’t hold either man down for a three-count. Bryan lands the Yes kicks on both men. Bryan drops Edge with the Busaiku Knee. Reigns tries to sneak in a Superman Punch on Bryan but Bryan side steps and kicks Reigns in the gut. Bryan traps Reigns in the Yes Lock. Edge breaks up the pin. Bryan puts Edge in the Yes Lock. Reigns breaks that up. Reigns rains down punches to Bryan. Reigns powerbombs Bryan onto Edge. Regins kicks Bryan out of the ring. Reigns stands Bryan on the ring steps. Reigns powerbombs Bryan through the announce table. As Reigns celebrates and gets Speared off the steps by Edge!

Edge tries to bring a chair into the ring but is quickly stopped by Reigns. Edge locks Reigns in the crossface. Edge grabs a piece of a broken chair and uses that to choke Reigns with. Bryan dives in the ring and catches Reigns hand before he can tape. Bryan grabs Reigns other arm and also locks in a crossface. As they are both choking Reigns, they are trading strikes. They both let their holds go. Bryan stomps Reigns’ head. Bryan calls for another running knee but Edge Spears him. Edge Spears Reigns. Bryan pulls the referee out of the ring. Edge is livid. Edge wears Bryan and Reigns out with a steel chair. Edge lays Bryan and Reigns heads on chairs. Edge hits a conchairto on Bryan. Uso runs back down to the ring to save Reigns. Reigns Spears Edge. Reigns conchairtos Edge. Reigns drags Edge on top of Bryan. Reigns pins them both at the same time.

Winner and STILL Universal Champion, Roman Reigns!


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