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New Details On Kalisto’s WWE Release, His Unhappiness With Lucha House Party’s Role In The Company

Kalisto got released by WWE last week, and now we know more about his unhappiness with his role in the company and what led to him being cut.

According to the Wrestling Observer NewsletterKalisto’s release came as a result of his own actions, with the sentiment being that he “cut his own throat months back.”

As it was explained, Lince Dorado came up with the Lucha House Party stable as a way to make merchandise and profit from it whether they were pushed on TV or not because it would appeal to Vince McMahon’s idea of a Mexican stereotype. The idea was obviously greenlit as the stable was put on TV, but after some time Kalisto grew unhappy and didn’t enjoy being booked as a joke character. It was noted that Gran Metalik didn’t complain much due to being happy financially, but Kalisto voiced his displeasure about it and at one point, tweeted about it.

It was said that Kalisto kept asking to be let out of the group and was continually told no, but WWE finally agreed once Dorado asked if he and Metalik could move forward as a tag team without him. There was a break up that was shot for TV, but there was never any plan to follow-up on it and only served as a way to placate Kalisto.

Since then, Dorado and Metalik have been seen on TV on occasion for various segments, but Kalisto stopped being brought in for TV tapings and ultimately got let go on April 15.

Related: WWE Releases Kalisto