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WWE NXT Results (4/27/21)

Backstage, someone delivers flowers to Shotzi Blackheart and Ember Moon. Franky Monet walks in and introduces herself. Monet reads the card, which says, “love Dexter Lumis”.

Earlier today, Cameron Grimes goes to buy a really big really shiny watch.

In-Ring Segment: Grizzled Young Veterans

Gibson says MSK is avoiding them. Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher interrupt. Ciampa say they are a lot alike. Ciampa ends up hitting Drake with a shoe, before clearing the ring.

Backstage, Drake Maverick says he knows that Killian Dain is going to turn on him when they face IMPERIUM. Maverick has seen this happen before. Dain tells Maverick that he’s got to have faith and walks away.

At his studio, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott says he didn’t think Leon Ruff had it in him, but he clearly does after attacking him a few weeks ago. Scott challenges Ruff to a falls count anywhere match.

Toni Storm grabs a mic and says she made Zoey Stark famous at TakeOver. Stark is just a footnote in Storm’s legendary career. Storm hopes Stark is watching tonight. Every time Storm slaps this rookie she’s about to face, she’s going to picture Stark

Toni Storm vs. Zayda Ramier

Storm lands several running boots. Storm lands a nasty basement clothesline. Backbreaker into a submission by Storm. Ramier manages to get a boot up as Storm charged in. Ramier misses to kicks. Storm responds with a nasty German suplex. Clothesline followed by a hip attack in the corner by Storm. Storm sets up the Storm Zero but changes her mind. Storm sets up a top rope Storm Zero. Stark stomps down to the ring and distracts Storm. Ramier knocks Storm off the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press for the win!

Winner- Zayda Ramier

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