AEW Dynamite Pinnacle
Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (6/11/21)

Tonight on AEW Dynamite Miro defends his TNT Championship against Evil Uno of Dark Order and The Pinnacle returns to speak their piece after losing the Stadium Stampede match at Double or Nothing.


June 11, 2021, Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL

Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Matt Hardy kicks the show off by announcing Angelico as the man to take out his adversary Christian Cage tonight.


Angelico vs. Christian Cage

The two men catch wrestle one another until Cage does the ten punch in the corner. Angelico fights back and focuses on the left arm of Christian. Matt Hardy talks smack as Angelico continues to work on Cage. “Let’s go Christian” chants.  Angelico goes for the Navarro Death Roll, but Christian frees himself only to be PK kicked. A modified arm bar by Angelico.

Christian finds himself up top and hits a reverse DDT. Massive right hands by Cage and then drops him with a shoulder tackle. Missile dropkick off the middle rope by Christian for two. Christian does a reverse guillotine on the apron. Diving headbutt on Angelico for another two count.

Later on, Angelico leaps off the top to get some feet to the face. Christian rolls him up for a near fall. Angelico hits a ground enziguri then jackknife pins Christian, but only a two count.

Cage hits a pendulum kick and then his reverse back elbow from up top. Killswitch and it’s all over.

WINNER: Christian Cage

Jack Evans come after Cage post match, but Cage fights him off. Matt Hardy nails him with a Twist of Fate. Jungle Boy runs out for the save.

Tony Schiavone announces that next week, Aaron Solow and QT Marshall will face Cody Rhodes who will be partnering with Brock Anderson, Arn Anderson’s son. The three men come out. Cody said that next week Brock says he’ll steal home next week even after being born on third base. He believes Brock can get it done. He also wouldn’t mind getting retribution for last week after being beat by Anthony Ogogo. Out comes QT who takes exception to that. He pinned Cody all by himself. Marshall says enough of these vanity projects and this nepotism. He’s sick of this. He says when AEW goes back on the road on July 7, he wants a full house so he can whip his ass. He means literally in a “South Beach Strap Match.” Cody wants a strap match right now and loosens his belt. QT smacks Arn with a belt and Brock punches the piss out of him before QT bails.


Death Triangle & Eddie Kingston vs. The Young Bucks & Brandon Cutler

In a pre-match promo, Eddie tries to form more of a bond between PAC and Penta, but they aren’t so keen on that. Don Callis joins commentary. Bell rings and Matt and PAC jaw jck. Matt gets nailed by Penta, PAC & Eddie. Brandon Cutler gets brought in by Matt the hard way and PAC takes it to him. Eddie prompts for the tag, but PAC bypasses him for Penta. Some low shots to Cutler’s nutlers. He gets a huge chop to the chest by Penta.

Eddie finally gets the tag and hits a double stomp on Cutler for a two count. Stalling suplex by Kingston. He covers for a two count. Front chancery allows PAC to tag himself in. Not long, Matt tags in and PAC takes it him and his brother. A series of kicks from PAC before Nick pull him out. PAC back body drops Brandon and that opens up a window for a Nick attack. We head to picture-in-picture.

Back from it, PAC fights off his foes. He vaults Matt Jackson off after attempting a tornado DDT. He emphatically tags in Eddie who suplexes both Bucks. “Eddie” chants as Penta gets tagged in. Bucks accidently superkicks Cutler. Destroyer on Matt. Cutler again gets kicked in the face. Backstabber for Nick. Package Driver to Matt and Cutler slides in to make the save. Penta kicks Matt down. Eddie thwarts the bad guys from interfering with PAC and Penta joins in too as PAC recovers up top.

450 splash by PAC and into the Brutalizer. Nick tries to kick him off but PAC won’t relent. Eddie regulates too and the two partners tope to the outside. PAC nearly gets rolled up by Matt, but no dice. The three men work over PAC. Cutler goes for a springboard, but misses and Eddie hits his spinning back elbow. PAC covers for the win.

WINNER: PAC, Penta & Eddie Kingston

The Elite insurgents come out to attack the trio, but Frankie Kazarian comes out for the save.

Back from break, out comes Pinnacle. Dax downplays the loss of Stadium Stampede before calling out Santana & Ortiz. They are cut from the same cloth besides stark differences. Dax says he has a wife and kid to provide for, but guess who doesn’t? Cash and he doesn’t give a shit about their families. Next, Shawn Spears trashes Sammy Guevara and calls him an indie wrestler. Wardlow says Hager is obsessed with him. Why is that? It’s because he brings out the absolute best in him. Therefore, Hager invites Wardlow in his comfort zone. Despite that, Wardlow accepts. MJF says he’s tired because you know why? Because he is the best. He used to idolize Chris Jericho in his youth. He cites July 2019 when he first saw Jericho in Jacksonville. Working with Chris should have been a dream come true, but it wasn’t. He says it turns out Jericho was just like everyone else. He’s already beaten him twice. He has nothing left to prove. Jericho’s request is denied. He calls out Sammy Guevara as well. He tells him to keep his name out of his mouth.

Jericho appears on the big screen. He and The Inner Circle then destroy The Pinnacle’ limo in the parking lot.

Darby Allin says he’s not replacing Sting next week. He wants a handicap match. He turns to Sting and tells him to stay home. Sting tries to settle him down. He says they both won and Darby says it’s not about that. Just stay home, please. Sting obliges. They fist bump one another.

Evil Uno has a brief video package as he expresses his connection to the late Brodie Lee and his desire to win the TNT Title. Match time.


TNT Championship

Evil Uno vs. Miro (c)

Miro and Uno mix it up. Miro begins to showcase his strength and bodyslams Uno. Hard body shots, and Uno tries to chop at Miro, but it ain’t happening. Miro does get dumped by Uno, but Miro pulls him out. Uno hits a diving senton from the apron.

Back in the ring, Miro catches Uno from up top to back suplex him. We head to break. Back from it, Uno is getting dominated and Dark Order come out to motivate Uno back in the ring. Miro takes out Stu Grayson and Alan Angels leaves not wanting to cost Uno the match. Uno gives Miro some forearms and hits a step-up hurricanrana. Back boot by Uno. He climbs up top and hits a senton. One count.

All of Dark Order come out on stage to cheer on Uno. Miro tries rolling Uno up, but Uno shoves him off in the corner. Miro collides and gets a near fall on him. Uno tributes Brodie with a discus lariat, but Miro doesn’t get knocked down and hammers Uno down after. Stomp and then a “Game Over” submission. Uno taps.

WINNER and STILL TNT Champion: Miro

JR will sit down Andrade El Idolo next week and a hype video is made for Andrade in build.

Tony Schiavone introduces Kenny Omega and Don Callis. They congratulate Jungle Boy on his battle royal win, but Don Callis calls him a one-hit wonder. Kenny says he’s supposed to build Jungle Boy up, and honestly he doesn’t have to disparage anything about JB. He reminds him of a young Kenny, but something is missing. What is it Don? He doesn’t have the guts. Out comes Jungle Boy. Kenny snickers. He’s just as surprised as anybody because JB doesn’t appear to him to be a promo guy. He says JB doesn’t have the guts. Nobody is better than Kenny. If he has something to say, he better say it quick. “Man, you talk way too much.” The two scuffle and JB goes to almost lock Omega in the Snare Trap, but he sees The Young Bucks come out and leaves.

Mark Sterling builds up the strong promotional success of Jade Cargill. He’s going to make sure that she makes all that money. Jade mentions her catchphrase and monetizing off it. “I’m that bitch.”

Scorpio Sky says Darby not finding a partner is the dumbest thing he’s done. Ethan asks him if he understands the mental consequences of that. Bit by bit, they’re going to chop him down, and they’re gonna raise up. It’s only up for here for the Men of The Year.


Lance Archer vs. Chandler Hopkins

Archer bulldozes Hopkins and chokeslams him. He chops him in the corner, hits a Blackout and it’s over.

WINNER: Lance Archer

Archer immediately walks off without celebrating.

The Wingmen throw down the gauntlet against Orange Cassidy.


Nyla Rose (with Vickie Guerrero) vs. “Legit” Leyla Hirsch

Nyla blindsides Hirsch to start the match. Bodyslam. Hirsch rolls her over in an armbreaker, but Rose makes it to the ropes. Shotgun dropkick sends Rose to the outside. Nyla intercepts Leyla’s tope and slams her into the apron. Leyla locks in an armbreaker on the outside, but Nyla throws her into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Rose knocks her down. Big-time diving knee drop by Rose. She wrenches the neck and we go to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Leyla gets a near fall. Nyla breaks a waist lock, but Legit Leyla rolls over for a German suplex. Knee strike. A very impressive moonsault press. She gets another armbreaker in but Nyla powerbombs her down. Rose hangs her over the ropes and attempts her diving knee drop, but Leyla fights her off. Rose and her slug it out up top. Leyla goes for a Frankensteiner, but Rose turns it into an avalanche beast bomb for the victory.

WINNER: Nyla Rose

Backstage, Tony Schiavone is with Britt Baker and Rebel (not Reba).  She runs down Nyla. She knows Nyla is coming for this title, but she needs it, while Britt makes the division. “D.M.D.”


Powerhouse Hobbs & Brian Cage vs. 10 & Hangman Page

Taz joins commentary.  Cage catches Page and shoulder thrusts him in the corner. Page fires back with some shots. Cage goes for a pump handle suplex but Page flips lariats Cage down and moonsault presses for a cover. Kick out. Soon, 10 gets a blind tag and takes it to Cage. Big corner attack by him with a running pump kick. Cage collides with him in his own corner and Hobbs gets the tag. Powerhouse utilizes the ropes to administer pain onto 10. Kitchen sink by Hobbs to 10. We go to the final break.

Back and forth they go, but 10 does find himself isolated. Big time boot by Hangman when he does become legal. Boots at Hobbs and he tries to dive onto Cage, but gets caught. Hangman turns the tables and ranas him into post. Hangman gets a near fall on Hobbs. Hobbs changes the momentum with a massive lariat. Headscissors by Cage to 10. Hangman knocks Cage out of action. He hits Hobbs hard and covers. Hobbs’ hand is underneath the bottom rope so no pin is made. 10 and Hobbs go at it soon, but then Cage gets involved for a high-low on 10. 1-2-kick out!

Hook comes in to meddle and to distract the ref. He does as Starks tossees Cage the FTW belt. Cage throws it back. Ricky yells at him on the apron and slaps Cage hard. Cage chases Starks out and it leaves Hobbs on his own. It soon becomes too much as Hobbs gets a Buckshot Lariat and we get the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: Hangman Page & 10

Post-match, Hangman and The Dark Order celebrate with some beers.